I was at a local Bar/club and they were closing so everyone started walking out. one of the dip shit bouncers kept whistling really loud and it happend to be right in my ear. I turned around and was pretty pissed so i said “can you stop fucking whistling in my ear”.
He was a pretty big smart ass so he got right in my face and was about to whistle again and i gave him a soft push to get out of my face. He then punched me in the side of the head, normally i would of fought him instantly, but i knew there was cops all over and i assumed one of them had saw it.
Well none of the cops say it so i tried to find one and when i did all they said was leave. Fuck that i kept saying the fucking bouncer punched me in the head the cop just kept telling me to leave, it wasnt until i said i knew the local sheriff that they agreed to help me. so i pressed charges against the shit head bouncer.
My question is- is it worth going to court about it or should i just drop the charges. and do you think i could sue the bar?
thanks in advance