Punched By Bouncer

I was at a local Bar/club and they were closing so everyone started walking out. one of the dip shit bouncers kept whistling really loud and it happend to be right in my ear. I turned around and was pretty pissed so i said “can you stop fucking whistling in my ear”.

He was a pretty big smart ass so he got right in my face and was about to whistle again and i gave him a soft push to get out of my face. He then punched me in the side of the head, normally i would of fought him instantly, but i knew there was cops all over and i assumed one of them had saw it.

Well none of the cops say it so i tried to find one and when i did all they said was leave. Fuck that i kept saying the fucking bouncer punched me in the head the cop just kept telling me to leave, it wasnt until i said i knew the local sheriff that they agreed to help me. so i pressed charges against the shit head bouncer.

My question is- is it worth going to court about it or should i just drop the charges. and do you think i could sue the bar?

thanks in advance

Well you did assault him first, so he had every right to punch you. I’d let it go, especially if you’d like to return to that bar/club.

If you didn’t like him whistling in your ear, why didn’t you just move or leave like you were supposed to.

While you do not deserve a ridiculous settlement, the bouncer does not deserve his job if he harassed you like that. Furthermore, other patrons of the bar deserve to not have to worry about him doing that shit to them.

Even if he had JUST whistled in your face after you asked him not to, he would still not deserve the job because a good bouncer would NEVER, EVER provoke someone like that. For any reason.

I’d say see if the bar will just settle with firing the guy.

You started it, you’re at a bar.

Use your head next time.

By the way, cops, at least around here, really don’t give two shits about your word when you’re leaving a bar.

You’re bitching to two groups of people who generally feel like empowered pricks, cops and bouncers.

Think about it.

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
You started it, you’re at a bar.

Use your head next time.

By the way, cops, at least around here, really don’t give two shits about your word when you’re leaving a bar.

You’re bitching to two groups of people who generally feel like empowered pricks, cops and bouncers.

Think about it. [/quote]

i agree, im probably going to drop the charges and deal with him outside of court.

While I don’t agree that you started it, you are at some fault for the initial push. A bouncer at a club/bar should never instigate any confrontation, but as Ghost said, they are generally empowered pricks. They get off on acting like bigshots. If you really feel this strongly about it, I would let it go to court, but the most you will get out of it is as somebody else stated, the bar/club will fire the bouncer for a settlement outside of court. It is highly doubtful that you will get any monetary awards from the suit.

Where in Florida did this all happen out of curiosity?

[quote]LevelHeaded wrote:
While I don’t agree that you started it, you are at some fault for the initial push. A bouncer at a club/bar should never instigate any confrontation, but as Ghost said, they are generally empowered pricks. They get off on acting like bigshots. If you really feel this strongly about it, I would let it go to court, but the most you will get out of it is as somebody else stated, the bar/club will fire the bouncer for a settlement outside of court. It is highly doubtful that you will get any monetary awards from the suit.

Where in Florida did this all happen out of curiosity?

in shithole palmetto. just north of shithole bradenton, which is north of the very nice sarasota.

Why not just drop it, totally? No need to sue anybody or deal with it outside court. Take it as a man, if you are one, and leave it at you dropping the charges.

This post needs translated.

[quote]blok wrote:
I was at a local Bar/club and they were closing so everyone started walking out. [/quote] I am one of those people who won’t leave when the bouncers tell me to. I wait until they start sweeping everyone away, because I know if I stay for just 30 more seconds, I will get laid. [quote] one of the dip shit bouncers kept whistling really loud and it happend to be right in my ear. I turned around and was pretty pissed so i said “can you stop fucking whistling in my ear”.

He was a pretty big smart ass so he got right in my face and was about to whistle again and i gave him a soft push to get out of my face. [/quote] Actually, I pushed him really hard. He didn’t budge, which is odd since I bench press 500 pounds [quote] He then punched me in the side of the head, normally i would of fought him instantly[/quote]not really, but this is the Internet, so WTF, why not say it?[quote] , but i knew there was cops all over and i assumed one of them had saw it.[/quote]

I then kept nagging the police and DA to press charges. Finally, to get rid of me, they did.

[quote] My question is- is it worth going to court about it or should i just drop the charges. and do you think i could sue the bar, as [/quote] I want to get rich because a bouncer punched me after I pushed him.

[quote]blok wrote:
I agree, im probably going to drop the charges and deal with him outside of court.[/quote]

Who do you think you’re kidding? This isn’t the World of Warcraft site. There are actually a few guys who have been in their share of scrapes.

[u]No one[/u] who is actually a fighter would have begged the police to press charges. I have been jumped by 5 guys - more than once! I have never pressed charges. Instead, I waited for another day to deal with the person on equal terms. This is how people who actually have or used to fight actually handle things.

It’s really that simple. That you pitched a fit to the police after he is you was so freaking pathetic. You pushed the guy. What was he supposed to do?

That you then went online and claimed you were really a bad ass who normally “handles his business” is even more pathetic.

Save these tales for a gamer site or something. There, everyone will say, “I’m sure you would have pwned the bouncer!” Around here, you’re going to get called on your bullshit.

Oh, and since this is a lifting site: Keep lifting. That way, next time you push someone, you’ll do so with enough force that they’ll know better than to punch you in the head.

  1. Have a friend hit you in the head with a brick.
  2. Hard.
  3. Again.
  4. Take pics and go to the hospital.
  5. Sue bar/club.
  6. Settle out of court for high six figures.
  7. Make small ($50k oughtta cover it) donation to Sallie Mae on behalf of Steel Nation for giving you such great advice.
  8. Buy lots of shit you don’t need.

The first rule of Project Mayhem is you don’t talk about Project Mayhem.

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
blok wrote:
I agree, im probably going to drop the charges and deal with him outside of court.

Who do you think you’re kidding? This isn’t the World of Warcraft site. There are actually a few guys who have been in their share of scrapes.

[u]No one[/u] who is actually a fighter would have begged the police to press charges. I have been jumped by 5 guys - more than once! I have never pressed charges. Instead, I waited for another day to deal with the person on equal terms. This is how people who actually have or used to fight actually handle things.

It’s really that simple. That you pitched a fit to the police after he is you was so freaking pathetic. You pushed the guy. What was he supposed to do?

That you then went online and claimed you were really a bad ass who normally “handles his business” is even more pathetic.

Save these tales for a gamer site or something. There, everyone will say, “I’m sure you would have pwned the bouncer!” Around here, you’re going to get called on your bullshit.

Oh, and since this is a lifting site: Keep lifting. That way, next time you push someone, you’ll do so with enough force that they’ll know better than to punch you in the head.[/quote]

ive been jumped before and never pressed charges, i ended up fighting one of them i saw later. I only asked this question because ive never pressed charges on someone before and i didnt know if it was even worth it, i realize now more then likely nothing would happen anyway. BTW you sound just like some poser internet badass, but im sure you did one round house kick and knocked all 5 guys out.

[quote]blok wrote:
BTW you sound just like some poser internet badass, but im sure you did one round house kick and knocked all 5 guys out.[/quote]

LOL. Whatever I did, I sure didn’t press charges. That’s what punks who start fights do. You are the reason I now avoid fights. It’s not guys with knives I fear. It’s people who (like you) start crap, give a hard push, and then run to the police when you get hit. It’s not like you had your jaw broken or incurred any medical expenses. You just got a good punch in return for your shit talking and pushing. Yet you still ran for the police. Pathetic.

Again, that pressing charges under these circumstances would even [u]occur[/u] to you tells me you’re fronting. It’s that simple.

There are many forums where you can get away with these types of tall tales. You can’t get away with them at T-Mag - at least not for now. In a couple of years, after a changing of the guard, who knows?

Booooooo. Is it okay to boo people on forums? You got owned. Whistled in your ear, punched you in the face, made you tell the cops, then fucked the girl you were trying to talk to. Cut your losses.

Rule of thumb. When you intend to intimidate, make sure it’s not just a simple escalation. Do something outlandish. Always throw the first punch especially if you’re drunk.

Better yet. Unzip your fly and let your penis stick through, turn around and get in his face and start talking shit while at the same time urinating on his leg. When he looks down throw an uppercut. - True story.

PS Pushing people is soooo grade school. I mean c’mon what if he fell and scraped his knee?

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
blok wrote:
BTW you sound just like some poser internet badass, but im sure you did one round house kick and knocked all 5 guys out.

LOL. Whatever I did, I sure didn’t press charges. That’s what punks who start fights do. You are the reason I now avoid fights. It’s not guys with knives I fear. It’s people who (like you) start crap, give a hard push, and then run to the police when you get hit. It’s not like you had your jaw broken or incurred any medical expenses. You just got a good punch in return for your shit talking and pushing. Yet you still ran for the police. Pathetic.

Again, that pressing charges under these circumstances would even [u]occur[/u] to you tells me you’re fronting. It’s that simple.

There are many forums where you can get away with these types of tall tales. You can’t get away with them at T-Mag - at least not for now. In a couple of years, after a changing of the guard, who knows?[/quote]

well usually i go everywhere with my lawyer but i didnt this time and didnt know what to do.

[quote]blok wrote:
CaliforniaLaw wrote:
blok wrote:
BTW you sound just like some poser internet badass, but im sure you did one round house kick and knocked all 5 guys out.

LOL. Whatever I did, I sure didn’t press charges. That’s what punks who start fights do. You are the reason I now avoid fights. It’s not guys with knives I fear. It’s people who (like you) start crap, give a hard push, and then run to the police when you get hit. It’s not like you had your jaw broken or incurred any medical expenses. You just got a good punch in return for your shit talking and pushing. Yet you still ran for the police. Pathetic.

Again, that pressing charges under these circumstances would even [u]occur[/u] to you tells me you’re fronting. It’s that simple.

There are many forums where you can get away with these types of tall tales. You can’t get away with them at T-Mag - at least not for now. In a couple of years, after a changing of the guard, who knows?

well usually i go everywhere with my lawyer but i didnt this time and didnt know what to do.

Yeah, you’re that big of a baller.

LOL With all this flaming this threads on fire. Man, did you got torn a new asshole. Although I wouldn’t be as brutally honest, some of these guys have a point. I’d just let things be.

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
This post needs translated.

blok wrote:
I was at a local Bar/club and they were closing so everyone started walking out. I am one of those people who won’t leave when the bouncers tell me to. I wait until they start sweeping everyone away, because I know if I stay for just 30 more seconds, I will get laid. one of the dip shit bouncers kept whistling really loud and it happend to be right in my ear. I turned around and was pretty pissed so i said “can you stop fucking whistling in my ear”.

He was a pretty big smart ass so he got right in my face and was about to whistle again and i gave him a soft push to get out of my face. Actually, I pushed him really hard. He didn’t budge, which is odd since I bench press 500 pounds He then punched me in the side of the head, normally i would of fought him instantlynot really, but this is the Internet, so WTF, why not say it? , but i knew there was cops all over and i assumed one of them had saw it.

I then kept nagging the police and DA to press charges. Finally, to get rid of me, they did.

My question is- is it worth going to court about it or should i just drop the charges. and do you think i could sue the bar, as I want to get rich because a bouncer punched me after I pushed him.[/quote]

now that’s some funny stuff right there.
Folks, leave before you are asked to. At last call, if they don’t have your tab in their hand, (they should), then ask for it and immediately pay. Take your bathroom break while they are running your credit card, finish your drink and get the hell out.

Have you ever had guests in your house that just wouldn’t leave? Imagine there is a fine to you in your own house because a guest just wouldn’t leave.
If you haven’t closed the sale when the lights go up, you blew it.
When is Johnny law just cherry picking people out of the parking lot to arrest? When the herd moves.

Should the bouncer have punched you? no. Should you have even have touched him? no.

My dad, step-dad and a bunch of my uncles are/were bouncers and this guy probably won’t keep his job for long. Bar/club owners don’t need any problems from their bouncers, 9/10 occassions the second they have a problem like this they’ll fire them on the spot. Club owners have to deal with so much drama from patrons to begin with that they just won’t tolerate it from their guys.