Proviron as PCT?

This is an interesting thread.

I had been led to believe over the past 6 years of using proviron that it shut you down so as just to use it on cycle… it gave me a full libido with my Deca only cycles and i love it in every cycle i do, for many reasons.

Now it has been realised (by me) that it doesnt surpress HPTA function (to any great degree) i will be using it as a perk if and when i feel the need.

But what about PCT? Is it useful or could it even hurt?

The link above is a forum with William Llewellyn.


Proviron is used by porn stars for the obvious sexual sides benefit.
Its relatively true that you could use it during PCT and/or any ole time without significant worry about suppression.
Havins said that I don’t advocate that everyone should run out and add it to their PCT

No… but as time goes by, i love this druuug more and more!

[quote]saps wrote:
Proviron is used by porn stars for the obvious sexual sides benefit.
Its relatively true that you could use it during PCT and/or any ole time without significant worry about suppression.
Havins said that I don’t advocate that everyone should run out and add it to their PCT[/quote]

Are you suggesting that proviron would help during PCT for the sexual boost or by lowering SHBG and therefore more free test? Or maybe both?

no a sexual boost/androgen boost… the trouble with that is the fact that while you are feeling “ready to rock ya cock” on the Prov, you may not actually be recovering properly “underneath”… it could mask an ineffective recovery…

But it seems to be handy off cycle for increased libido, a touch of aggression or focus, a much needed androgen between cycles… mix this with 20-30mg Var in the morning on waking, this would be a bridge that should not shut you down.

OR if not that then just some proviron with (my favourite off cycle supp. trio) HMB, Ribose and Creatine.
