Protien Bar suggestions

Anyone know of any lower carb. bars that do not use glycerine? The low carb bars use it to get the nice consistency. Sometimes they don’t put the calories from it in the nutritional info. so be careful. It is something like 7 per gram.

Man you guys get amazing deals in the states. We pay large cash here in Canada for any sort of supplements whether it’s bars or powders for shakes. Personally I would go with Meal replacement powders simply because they are lower in carbs and higher in protein when compared to any bar you can get. Plus they are already predigested which makes them go faster into your system which is especially improtant after a hardcore workout cause you wanna obviously get protein and carbs into your system immediately to prevent catabolism and such. When your at work you can have the powders as well. I find many people bring the tubs with them and leave them in their lockers or whatever storage area is available and just mix up shakes on their breaks or lunches, or If you dont want to be bringing the jugs with you to work just get empty gatorade or powerade bottles or whatever and premix them before work each day and just store them in the fridge or locker at work.

Labrada Lean Body Bars. Highly recommended. I think Pure Protein bars suck. Designer Protein Bars are also good. Order a bar or two from the various manufacturers. You’ll find one you like- as everyone has different tastes.