I recently began to notice a thread like jelly material suspened in my test prop vial. My logical conclusion is it is tren that has accidentally been expelled into the test prop vial when drawing both into the same syringe. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this what the material is?
Personally speaking, I know Test Prop is a BITCH while trying to make it. It’s more difficult to dissolve that other powders. Powders like Test Prop need alot of BA or BB to dissolve and keep it suspended in a sterile oil.
My guess is, if your Prop was made by an underground company, it might be missing a little benzoate or alcohol to keep it in its liquid form. I try not to put too much alcohol in mine when I make it so it cuts back on the sting and soreness. All you have to do is run it under some hot water or put it in a pot of water that has come to a boil. This will bring the solution back into a smooth, liquid state. Good luck.
i had the same gel like formation in my bottles of test enanthate. i would put the bottle in hot water and it would liquefy. I think it had something something to do with room temperature.
when it turned to liquid there would still be fibers floating around.
but the shit worked so i guess it doesnt matter. later dp
[quote]Alex San wrote:
I had a similar experience with a vial of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. The vial was made by british Dragon, from a source that I trust. When I recieved the vial, inside was a clear oily liquid (as you would expect). I took my first injection and put the vial away in a dark cupboard at approx room temp. Two days later when I went for my second shot, the contents of the vial had completely solidified and had turned waxy and opaque. Initially, this shit me up a bit as I had visions of a solid plug of this stuff between my muscle fibres, sitting there until doomsday. My next thought was some kind of bacterial contamination, but I thought this unlikely as I had followed sterile inj. protocol to the letter. I took said vial to the bathroom and ran it under the hot water for a couple of minutes and the waxy stuff started to melt. So I injected it!
Why would a substance, liquid at room temp, become solid at the same temp upon exposure to air?
Anyone have a answer to this riddle?[/quote]
nandrolone phenylpropinate is extremely hard to suspend. It requires a lot of BA and BB. Changes in room temperature can cause the solution to ‘crash’. In this case you will be left with a waxy/ creamy substance. It can easily be fixed by warming your vial on a stove element at low temperature. It has absolutely nothing to do with the sterility of the product, it is more to do with environment, and the chemicals used to suspend the product. As MassN said it is a delecate balance - as an too much chemicals can make injections overly painfull, and not enough chemicals will allow the suspension to crash easily.
[quote]T1gNaL1 wrote:
I recently began to notice a thread like jelly material suspened in my test prop vial. My logical conclusion is it is tren that has accidentally been expelled into the test prop vial when drawing both into the same syringe. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this what the material is?[/quote]
When prop drops out of suspension it usually forms white to translucent crystals (star shapes) that sit on the bottom of your bottle. Is this what is happening? This is normally not a huge deal as, the amount of test prop disolved in say a 10cc vial is 1 gram, and normally the amount of crystals that form only equal milligrams, which will not effect the strength of the product. You can fix that problem simply by gently heating your vial on an oven element at minumim or low heat. Don’t worry about the vial breaking, as they are all made from heat resistant glass. Just make sure that you have a method of venting pressure from the inside of the vial such as a needle left in the rubber stopper.
That is exactly what it is, thanks everyone who responded. I believe the main culperate to be the temperature in which the prop is stored, i’m sure heating it up will do the job