Prohormones Worth the Risk?

[quote]Nate112 wrote:
What the hay I’ll chuck in some advice, although I personally have no experience dude, some guys I know run clostebol ( test derivitive ) anavar and clen for their cut. The anavar and clost helps keeps/gain weight on their cut. The only problem I see with it is the two orals, although they are mild.[/quote]

The man has no experience, but listen to him anyway.

Edit: Oh, right, sarcasm.

[quote]TheBigV wrote:

[quote]Nate112 wrote:
What the hay I’ll chuck in some advice, although I personally have no experience dude, some guys I know run clostebol ( test derivitive ) anavar and clen for their cut. The anavar and clost helps keeps/gain weight on their cut. The only problem I see with it is the two orals, although they are mild.[/quote]

The man has no experience, but listen to him anyway.

Edit: Oh, right, sarcasm.[/quote]

Ha, is there any reason you’re picking me out of threads and insulting me? I said I personally don’t have experience with it, as in I don’t use it, but I have close friends who do.

Anything else?

Simplicity: test prop eod if you´ re looking for size increase as you wrote-that advice is based on experience with many amateurs. The Anavar:I never saw it work very well with any male athlete, but with girls.
IMO stay away from Clenbuterol for many reasons. Considered Winstrol?