Pro Wrestler Dies...

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Don’t forget Andre the Giant.

Wrestling is a hard life.[/quote]

I wasn’t counting him just because he had a condition that pretty much guaranteed he would die early no matter what he did.

[quote]danreeves1973 wrote:
By the way Barrister, I wasn’t saying anything negative about you when I linked off of your post. Thats what I was reading when the rant hit. Good list you had there, did you have Bryan Pillman on there as well? [/quote]

Yeah, Flyin’ Bryan was on the list.

One person I can’t believe is still around is Jake the Snake Roberts. Talk about someone who put himself through the ringer substance-wise… But I guess if Keith Richards is still around I shouldn’t be too surprised.

[quote]BostonBarrister wrote:
danreeves1973 wrote:

One person I can’t believe is still around is Jake the Snake Roberts. Talk about someone who put himself through the ringer substance-wise… But I guess if Keith Richards is still around I shouldn’t be too surprised.[/quote]

No shit! I couldn’t believe all the stuff in whatever the wrestling documentary was(forgot the name), drug use, orgies, booze, etc. What also surprised me was how intelligent the guy seemed to be. He was amazing back in the day, always one of my favorites. And the guy looked like he had never set foot in a gym in his life!

[quote]analog_kid wrote:
BostonBarrister wrote:
danreeves1973 wrote:

One person I can’t believe is still around is Jake the Snake Roberts. Talk about someone who put himself through the ringer substance-wise… But I guess if Keith Richards is still around I shouldn’t be too surprised.

No shit! I couldn’t believe all the stuff in whatever the wrestling documentary was(forgot the name), drug use, orgies, booze, etc. What also surprised me was how intelligent the guy seemed to be. He was amazing back in the day, always one of my favorites. And the guy looked like he had never set foot in a gym in his life!


Check out the new Jake Roberts DVD oick your poison, he actually says that Beyond the Mat was not a factual take on him. I was just talking to a friend of mine and it seems that all the wrestlers who become born again christians are the ones who die early, Hawk, Big Boss Man, Eddie and Kurt Hennig where all born agains who died early.

I’m not so sure about the “born agian christian” with kurt henning, he died of a cocain over dose.

Jerry ‘The Wall’ Tuite: apparently drugs, he was a known user

Yokozuna: obesity

Renegade: suicide

Yes, the death toll is disgusting. WWF is the worst thing that ever happened to pro wrestling.

[quote]ZEB wrote:
superpimp wrote:
Eddie had many personal demons, and he was not shy about telling people. Aside from steroids(he’s never admitted to using) he was a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, I think either prolonged drug use, or an OD will be found as cause of death and not anabolic steroids

I’m sort of shocked over this-Those guys seem like such well adjusted good productive members of society.[/quote]

Ah, some Christian you are, Zeb.

[quote]BostonBarrister wrote:

Junk Yard Dog


I had no idea he was gone. I met him once, long-ass time ago, he was doing a small show in my home town. Got a picture with him. Had Hacksaw Jim Duggan autograph my Mouth of the South Jimmy Heart loud speaker. I’ve still got both.

Is it just me, or has wrestling lost something? Man, I remember when I was kid the Ultimate Warrior and the Undertaker, the Big Boss Man, Demolition, Jim “The Anvil” Nighthart…those guys were the coolest! When I scan through wrestling now I just wonder what the hell is so great about it. They don’t even wrestle anymore, they just talk shit and some bimbo runs around with her tits and ass hardly covered(not there’s anything wrong with that). I just feel like it’s lost a lot of the magic, and I don’t think it’s just because I have grown up. Anyone else with me on this?

Just got done watching raw i thought it was a good tribute.THANK YOU EDDIE GOD BLESS.

[quote]superpimp wrote:

Check out the new Jake Roberts DVD oick your poison, he actually says that Beyond the Mat was not a factual take on him. I was just talking to a friend of mine and it seems that all the wrestlers who become born again christians are the ones who die early, Hawk, Big Boss Man, Eddie and Kurt Hennig where all born agains who died early.

Oh yeah – how could I forget about Ray Traylor, aka Big Bossman?

BTW, I think you’d have a pretty interesting time showing causation on the Christianity correlation.

Great Raw tonite, I cried more than once. Some great matches as well. I’m surprised nobody did a frog splash as a homage.

Regal-Flair was extremely disappointing tho :frowning:

Smackdown will have HHH-Benoit, Chavo-JBL

[quote]Vash wrote:
BostonBarrister wrote:

Junk Yard Dog

I had no idea he was gone. I met him once, long-ass time ago, he was doing a small show in my home town. Got a picture with him. Had Hacksaw Jim Duggan autograph my Mouth of the South Jimmy Heart loud speaker. I’ve still got both.


I believe JYD died in a car wreck, totally non-wrestling related.

it’s a tough life, no doubt.

Once again, Wikipedia comes to the rescue:

I was looking through Wikipedia’s entrys on pro wrestling, holy crap, someone has wayyy too much time. You could easily write a big book on the WWE, just from their entries. There is a lot of info on all the pro wrestling organizations.

[quote]analog_kid wrote:
Is it just me, or has wrestling lost something? Man, I remember when I was kid the Ultimate Warrior and the Undertaker, the Big Boss Man, Demolition, Jim “The Anvil” Nighthart…those guys were the coolest! When I scan through wrestling now I just wonder what the hell is so great about it. They don’t even wrestle anymore, they just talk shit and some bimbo runs around with her tits and ass hardly covered(not there’s anything wrong with that). I just feel like it’s lost a lot of the magic, and I don’t think it’s just because I have grown up. Anyone else with me on this?[/quote]

Yea, wrestling changed. They do whatever they have to do to increase profits. I don’t understand how they make ends meet, but I guess some people watch it religously. But, most of it is just that you grew up.

[quote]Nomancer wrote:
Once again, Wikipedia comes to the rescue:

I was looking through Wikipedia’s entrys on pro wrestling, holy crap, someone has wayyy too much time. You could easily write a big book on the WWE, just from their entries. There is a lot of info on all the pro wrestling organizations.

analog_kid wrote:
Is it just me, or has wrestling lost something? Man, I remember when I was kid the Ultimate Warrior and the Undertaker, the Big Boss Man, Demolition, Jim “The Anvil” Nighthart…those guys were the coolest! When I scan through wrestling now I just wonder what the hell is so great about it. They don’t even wrestle anymore, they just talk shit and some bimbo runs around with her tits and ass hardly covered(not there’s anything wrong with that). I just feel like it’s lost a lot of the magic, and I don’t think it’s just because I have grown up. Anyone else with me on this?

Yea, wrestling changed. They do whatever they have to do to increase profits. I don’t understand how they make ends meet, but I guess some people watch it religously. But, most of it is just that you grew up.[/quote]

It’s not just that you grow up. I don’t see how I could have grown up so much in 6 months. I loved wrestling as a kid in the 80’s. And then got back into it from about 97-2000. Then it went off tv in Aus and I lost interest for about 6 months until I got pay tv. But it has changed. It’s just not the same. Bullshit like John Cena and the storylines are terrible. It died when the Rock and Mick Foley left (the first time that is).

I had no idea all those huge names died. Thats crazy man.

I used to LOVE wrestling, but then I just slowly stopped watching it. I still check in and see whats going on, but for the most part I’m out of the loop.

90% of enjoying the show is knowing who the people are and what their relationships are to each other. You can’t just tune in for 5 minutes and dismiss it as “missing something”. It’s been the same guy running the show for like 30 years now.

Someone on another board I frequent suggested it might be from ‘steroids or ephedra.’ Holy shit people are stupid sometimes.

[quote]Xvim wrote:
Someone on another board I frequent suggested it might be from ‘steroids or ephedra.’ Holy shit people are stupid sometimes.[/quote]

It’s amazing how people perpetuate the spewing of verbal sewage.

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
Xvim wrote:
Someone on another board I frequent suggested it might be from ‘steroids or ephedra.’ Holy shit people are stupid sometimes.

It’s amazing how people perpetuate the spewing of verbal sewage.[/quote]

I concur. I told a couple of people about this yesterday at work and the first thing they all said was “those steroids will kill you.” Of course today I’ll be wearing my testosterone T-shirt.