Thinking about a cycle of var and primo, but both orals. I was thinking of Var at 60mg/day, btu not sure of the primo.
Woudl this cycle be good,a dn how safe woudl it be for 6 weeks? Ir ealize the var is 17-aa, but the primo taks are with an acetate esther. Any comments are welcome.
I am looking to harden up, get definition and put on about 10-15lbs. Would this be possible with this stack? Or would the var alone do it? I am open to any suggestions for other compounds. Just winny won’t work for me, as I have joint problems as is.
They’re both class 1. If you haven’t tried winny, you may want to starting at a low dose to see how you respond to it. You may lean out some but it’s doubtful that you’ll put on much mass. Not to mention that it would make for a very expensive cycle. You could do 12 weeks of test for probably less then the primo/var will cost you. You may have better luck replacing the primo with some OT. There are quite a few threads on here with some good info on var+OT.
[quote]mike517 wrote:
Thinking about a cycle of var and primo, but both orals. I was thinking of Var at 60mg/day, btu not sure of the primo.
Woudl this cycle be good,a dn how safe woudl it be for 6 weeks? Ir ealize the var is 17-aa, but the primo taks are with an acetate esther. Any comments are welcome.
I am looking to harden up, get definition and put on about 10-15lbs. Would this be possible with this stack? Or would the var alone do it? I am open to any suggestions for other compounds. Just winny won’t work for me, as I have joint problems as is.
Primo and Var are pretty much the same thing. I would not do an all oral cycle, there are health risks far beyond liver damage which is not much of a concern.
It would however be a fairly safe cycle, albeit not much in the way of muscle gains at all. You’d be looking at something more like a gain of 3lbs above what you could have done naturally.
If you are stuck on the idea of orals only and do not care about all of the negative health risks, which again are far beyond liver risks - cholesterol, triglycerides, heart venteral growth, blood sugar desensitization, etc. Then I would do…I wouldn’t…IF I were to do an all oral…Anyway -
weeks 1-6 Anavar at 40mg
weeks 1-6 Turinabol at 60mg
Split your dosage into twice daily.
weeks 7-9 Nolvadex at 10-20mg
For the last 5 days, take your last 2 pills and take .5 for 3 days and .25 for 2. You also ideally want to split your nolvadex dosage into twice daily if possible, don’t worry if you can’t/don’t.
Honestly though, your best bet would be:
weeks 1-6 Testosterone Propionate at 100mg EOD
weeks 1-6 Anavar at 40mg ED
weeks 7-9 Nolvadex at 20mg
[quote]TheBeat wrote:
Primo and Var are pretty much the same thing. I would not do an all oral cycle, there are health risks far beyond liver damage which is not much of a concern.
It would however be a fairly safe cycle, albeit not much in the way of muscle gains at all. You’d be looking at something more like a gain of 3lbs above what you could have done naturally.
If you are stuck on the idea of orals only and do not care about all of the negative health risks, which again are far beyond liver risks - cholesterol, triglycerides, heart venteral growth, blood sugar desensitization, etc. Then I would do…I wouldn’t…IF I were to do an all oral…Anyway -
weeks 1-6 Anavar at 40mg
weeks 1-6 Turinabol at 60mg
Split your dosage into twice daily.
weeks 7-9 Nolvadex at 10-20mg
For the last 5 days, take your last 2 pills and take .5 for 3 days and .25 for 2. You also ideally want to split your nolvadex dosage into twice daily if possible, don’t worry if you can’t/don’t.
Honestly though, your best bet would be:
weeks 1-6 Testosterone Propionate at 100mg EOD
weeks 1-6 Anavar at 40mg ED
weeks 7-9 Nolvadex at 20mg
What would your thoughts be on the following cycle then, keeping it all oral?
week 1-3 dianabol 30mg or turinabol 60mg
week 4 (dianabol 20mg or turinabol 40mg) and Anavar 20mg
week 5-6 or week 5-7 Anavar 40mg
Would this allow for there to be some decent gains, while letting the anavar harden you up at the end with a proper diet throughout? Jsut a thought, as this way you are not exceeding 6 weeks of oral use,a dn are nto using excessive amoutns of orals at any one time during the cycle.
Running var or dbol alone defeats the purpose of using them. The I/II synergy only happens when they are taken together. Dbol probably isnt the best choice if he is trying to lean out a little. Also, 20mg of var isn’t going to do squat.
[quote]mike517 wrote:
What would your thoughts be on the following cycle then, keeping it all oral?
week 1-3 dianabol 30mg or turinabol 60mg
week 4 (dianabol 20mg or turinabol 40mg) and Anavar 20mg
week 5-6 or week 5-7 Anavar 40mg
Would this allow for there to be some decent gains, while letting the anavar harden you up at the end with a proper diet throughout? Jsut a thought, as this way you are not exceeding 6 weeks of oral use,a dn are nto using excessive amoutns of orals at any one time during the cycle.[/quote]
[quote]firestanggt wrote:
Running var or dbol alone defeats the purpose of using them. The I/II synergy only happens when they are taken together. Dbol probably isnt the best choice if he is trying to lean out a little. Also, 20mg of var isn’t going to do squat.
mike517 wrote:
What would your thoughts be on the following cycle then, keeping it all oral?
week 1-3 dianabol 30mg or turinabol 60mg
week 4 (dianabol 20mg or turinabol 40mg) and Anavar 20mg
week 5-6 or week 5-7 Anavar 40mg
Would this allow for there to be some decent gains, while letting the anavar harden you up at the end with a proper diet throughout? Jsut a thought, as this way you are not exceeding 6 weeks of oral use,a dn are nto using excessive amoutns of orals at any one time during the cycle.
What about if arimidex or femara was taken with the dbol? Unless I am mistaken (which is very possible) wouldn’t the dbol then be like the tbol with no bloat?? what are your thoughts?
asking, becuase tbol is practically impossible to come by where I am right now.
What about a 2 On/2 0ff with Dbol at X-mg ED with either Proviron 25-50mg ED or Nolva 20mg ED for the two “on” weeks and then either 20mg Nolva or 25-50mg Proviron (whichever wasn’t used with the Dbol) for the two “off” weeks? And then repeat the pattern…
(Xmg of Dbol would be whatever dose works for you)
So it would look like
On weeks: Dbol (X-mg)ED w/25-50mg Proviron ED
Off weeks: 20mg Nolva ED
I figure the Proviron with the Dbol would keep the bloat/estrogen sides down and the Nolva on the off weeks would help get the HPTA back on track for the next two “on” weeks. You’d be able to carry this on for a bit longer as you won’t be exposing yourself (ha ha) to the 17aa Dbol for stretches of longer than 2 weeks, and the gains would come out dry-ish in the end.
I am by no means an expert so please don’t take my word as gospel.
I just don’t think dbol is the best choice if you’re trying to lean out.
If you’re more concerned with adding mass, then by all means use dbol. Is there a reason that you are against using an inj like test prop? That would probably be your best choice given your original goals.
mike517 wrote:
What would your thoughts be on the following cycle then, keeping it all oral?
week 1-3 dianabol 30mg or turinabol 60mg
week 4 (dianabol 20mg or turinabol 40mg) and Anavar 20mg
week 5-6 or week 5-7 Anavar 40mg
Would this allow for there to be some decent gains, while letting the anavar harden you up at the end with a proper diet throughout? Jsut a thought, as this way you are not exceeding 6 weeks of oral use,a dn are nto using excessive amoutns of orals at any one time during the cycle.
What about if arimidex or femara was taken with the dbol? Unless I am mistaken (which is very possible) wouldn’t the dbol then be like the tbol with no bloat?? what are your thoughts?
asking, becuase tbol is practically impossible to come by where I am right now.[/quote]
I have a hard time recommending orals period, but feel it important to state my personal experience. Depending on when you are wanting to look lean is what would make the decision on Dbol.
Dbol does make one look heavier during the cycle, but in my experiences at least, is an excellent steroid for fat loss given one is going by the results after the cycle. It makes you feel good even in a calorie depleted state, supresses appetite better than almost anything, and like all orals increases the rate of fat burned. Even looking at studies, all that I find related to the topic show a decrease in fat mass even though non-fat-free mass weight is increased - water,etc not fat. I include dbol in cutting cycles for the results previously mentioned: Well-being even while calorie suppressed, appetite reduction, increased fat-loss effect of orals and of the steroid itself. Regarding using an AI- use arimidex or maybe aromasin, don’t mess with the letrozole as it is too much and will cause your lipids to become much worse than they already are going to get.
Forget the oral only cycles. The gains will be minimal and short lived for the most part unless you stay on a long time and do a really good PCT. You are not going to want to stay on for that long since liver toxicity may become an issue.
The most effective ways to use orals is to jump start a cycle in the first 4-6 weeks, to end a cycle for the last 4-6 weeks or used at a low dosage to bridge between cycles to maintain gains from a larger cycle. The best way to do this is to not do it or do it in earnest. For a first cycle you would do well with 500 mg/wk of test enanthate or cypionate.
You should also keep some nolvadex around if water retention and/or gyno becomes a problem. If you want to add another steroid you could add equipoise at 400-600mg/wk but for a new user the test should work very well on its own. Be certain to have some clomid for after your cycle.
Wait until one 1/2 life of the longest ester has past after your last injection then start the clomid at 50-100 mg/d for a week and maintain it at 50mg/d for an additional 2-3 weeks. Then don’t touch another anabolic again for at least 6 months.
Expect to loose 1/2 of your gains, more at first (the first three months after you come off). In the following 3 months you can expect to start making gains naturally again. This whole bit varies form individual to individual. The more frequently one cycles the more difficult it becomes for the body to normalize and respond to training naturally.
That’s why it is recommended that you stay off for a good long time after a cycle.