I have been skimming the Tnation forum for quite some time, I have spent a considerable amount of time researching , reading member’s posts and gaining as much knowledge as I can.
Here are some statistics about me :
Age: 28 Years
Weight : 192.1 lbs
Height : 6ft1
Years Training : 7
Total Cycles : 4
Compounds used : Testosterone Cyptionate, Tesosterone Propianate & Anavar.
I would also like to add that I never did any sort of PCT for my first 3 cycles due to my lack of knowledge and recklessness. This could possibly have damaged my HPTA.
From January 2017 to May 2017 I was self injecting a TRT dose of 250mg/week for Test Cypionate.
Blood work done on 5.3.2017 Shows the follwing results:
Total T: 1026 ref range: 250 -1100 ng/dL
Free T: 206.5 ref range: 35 – 155.0 pg/mL
E2: 27 ref range: <OR= 29 pg/mL
SHGB: 30 nmol ref range: 10-50 nmol/L
LH: <0.2 L ref range : 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
FSH: < 0.7 L ref range :1.6-8.0 miU/mL
TSH : 1.69 ref range: 0.4 – 4.5 mIU/L
T3f: 4.0 ref range : 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
T4f: 1.5 ref range : 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
After the Results I took HCG @ 1500 iu for 10 injections total Every other day. While on the HCG, I felt better than when I was on cycle. My mood, my skin, my sleep , was probably the best it had ever been. About a month later I got some more blood work done:
7.6.2017 Blood Work
Total T: 150 ref range : 250 -1100 ng/dL
Free T: 20.1 L ref range: 35 – 155.0 pg/mL
E2: 10 ref range: 7-50 pg/mL
FSH: 1.6 ref range: 1.5 – 12.4 mIU/mL
LH: 1.2 ref range: 1.7 – 8.6 mIU/mL
Because my T levels were so low I decided to do a cycle of Test propionate @ 500mg/week for 6 weeks. First injection was 7.16.2017 and last injection was 8.30.2017.
Exactly 12 days after my last injection I got more blood work done on 9.12.2017 with the following values:
9.12.2017 blood work
Total T: 164 ref range: 250 -1100 ng/dL
Free T: 26.2 ref range: 35 – 155.0 pg/mL
E2: <5 ref range: 7-50 pg/mL
FSH: 2.1 ref range: 1.5 – 12.4 mIU/mL
LH: 3.9 ref range: 1.7 – 8.6 mIU/mL
The following day I began my PCT , which consisted of 1000 IU’s of HCG EOD for 3 days, I waited 4 days then started SERMS which consisted of : Clomid & Nolvadex at the following doses:
Clomid: Week 1 50mg/day ; Week 2; 50mg;day ; Week 3: 25mg day
Nolvadex Week 1 : 40mg/day ; Week 2 : 40mg day ; Week 3: 20 mg /day.
I got more blood work done on 10.12.2017 with the following results:
Total T: 336 ref range: 250 -1100 ng/dL
Free T: 68.426.2 ref range: 35 – 155.0 pg/mL
FSH: 4.0 ref range: 1.5 – 12.4 mIU/mL
LH: 6.3 ref range: 1.7 – 8.6 mIU/mL
TSH: 3.64 ref range: 0.45- 4.50 mU/L
T3f: 3.4 ref range 2.0 – 4.8 pg / mL
T4f: 1.2 ref range 0.8 – 1.7 ng/dL
My TSH levels show hypothyroidism. I have never supplemented with iodine and never really cared of that much salt in my food. Could this be due to a Selenium deficiency?
A.M Body Temperature this morning: 96.5 degree
Despite having done this PCT I am experiencing the following
1- Feeling sluggish and tired all the time
2- No Libido Whatsoever, cannot maintain erection & never wake up with morning wood
3- Depression - Feeling of hopelessness
4- Increased Sensitivy to Cold
5- Face is almost always dry when I wake up
6- Low motivation, can barely get myself to workout or do anything
How can I find out if I am primary or secondary Hypogondigal ? Considering Taking Small doses of HCG for a month and retesting Total T, Free T, FSH and LH to see if I am primary or secondary.
I also have Hypothyroidism based off of my last TSH lab results. What could this be due to ?
I’m not sure when my next move is. I do feel quite stupid for having messed with my hormones with the supervision of a professional. I did see an Endoctrologist who confused me. He advised against taking Iodine , no clue why.
As of now I am considering the follopowing options
Option 1 - Attempt HPTA Restart with Power PCT & Supplement Daily with Selenium and Iodine to treat Hypothyroidism. Take HCG for a month and get lab work done afterwards. Based off of results I will then know if I am primary or secondary.
If primary, I will go TRT.
If secondary then I will most likely go for Option 2 - HCG Monotherapy.
Has anyone on this forum had success with HCG monotherapy in the long run ?
I felt much better when I was taking it.
Any input would be highly appreciated.