[quote]marauder88 wrote:
juice20jd wrote:
lithuanian wrote:
Hey gang,
firstly - i appreciate the guys that are here to help and educate. You know who you are. No need to mention names.
I recently moved to US and was talking to ‘‘big dude’’ in my studio (who is btw a trainer).
Just a casual chat and then we got onto juice subject.
So went and asked him what costs what.
Anyway, here’s what i got.
I would appreciate constructive feedback like …you shouldn’t be paying more than 100$ for 20ml/100mg Prop etc.
here’s what i was given(as an example\
Prop - 10ml/100mg - $105
D-bol 60/5mg tabs - $120
Deca 10ml/300mg - $200
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
if you feel more comfortable - you can PM me.
those are way expensive.
those “items” must have either changed hands many times over…getting marked up along the way for each “hand” to make a little cash. or, just could be a greedy ass dealer who charges 3-4 times what his costs are.
generally speaking
10 ml of prop should typically be anywhere in the 30-50 buck range
d-bols generally should be between .50 to 1 dollar a tab
10 ml of deca is nowhere near 200… should be around 80-100
your best source is the one available to you at the time…dealing with bullshit, marked up prices is just part of the learning curve
all of those prices are fucking high why not go with vet gear I just purchased 5 vilas of test 10ml 200mg BROVEL brand for 12.30 a pop, planning to use one vial a month.
well that was easy now I have to figure out how to bring the stuff back home to ny from panama central america, nut cracker aint it, stuff in central america and sout is really cheap and they are as pure as humangrade gear…[/quote]
super cheap gear like you have obtained doesn’t come easily…as you now know.
the general prices i gave the OP were intended to be a benchmark…not the rule. UG labs are cheaper, as is brewing.
not everyone can make a trip to mexico or some central/south american country.