Preparing for Middle Age

Cycle 2/Week 1/Workout B

Sunday 13.10.2019.

2x45kg (Had to stop because of lowerback pain).

Press: 5x5 x 20kg.

Chin ups: 6,6,4,3,2 x Florelius

Crap workout. Got a severe pain in my lower spine. Will therefor stop doing RDL, and will change up my template for cycle 2. This training session will not “Count”

New 5/3/1 template for Cycle 2:

Workout A
Squat: 5/3/1
Bench: 5/3/1
DB Row: 3x10
Back raises: 3x10

Workout B
Squat: 3x5 @ FSL
Press: 5/3/1
Chin ups: 3x5
Leg curls: 3x10

Training weights for Cycle 2:

Squat: TM = 52,5kg.
Week 1: 35kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 45kg x 5+
Week 2: 37,5kg x 3, 42,5kg x 3, 47,5kg x 3+
Week 3: 40kg x 5, 45kg x 3, 50kg x 1+

Bench: TM = 52,5kg.
Week 1: 35kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 45kg x 5+
Week 2: 37,5kg x 3, 42,5kg x 3, 47,5kg x 3+
Week 3: 40kg x 5, 45kg x 3, 50kg x 1+

Press: TM = 32,5kg.
Week 1: 20kg x 5, 25kg x 5, 27,5kg x 5+
Week 2: 22,5kg x 3, 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3+
Week 3: 25kg x 5, 27,5kg x 3, 30kg x 1+

Will re-start Cycle 2 on monday.

I just weighed myself, and the result is I’m way to light for a guy in his 30’s. I need to eat more, and eat more consistently. My first goal regarding eating, is to get in 3 meals per day on a consistent basis. My meal plan for Cycle 2:

  1. 3 sandwiches per day.
  2. 6 eggs per day.
  3. 1 dinner per day.
  4. 1 litre of whole milk per day.

Cycle 2/Week 1/Workout A

Monday 21.10.2019.

After general warm up.


10x45kg (Estimated 1rm = 59,9kg).

DB Row:

Back raises: 3x10 reps.


  1. My lower back is still feeling a bit iffy, so I did only the prescribed reps on Squats.
  2. Bench was great.
  3. Row felt great too.
  4. Back raises gave me a good hamstring pump, and I hope this exercise will help my lower back.
  5. All in all, not to shabby of a workout.

Cycle 2/Week 1/Workout B

Thursday 24.10.2019.

After general warm up:


10x27,5kg (Estimated 1rm = 36,6kg).

Chin ups:
5 x Florelius.
5 x Florelius.
6 x Florelius.

Leg curl: 3x10


  1. My lower back is still not 100%, and Squat suffered because of this.
  2. Press was okay.
  3. Chin ups was meh.
  4. In conclusion; not the greatest workout.
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Some nice consistency in here and good to see 531 rather than something you made up. Given your age and weight I agree with the comment you made that the you are very underweight. You really need to have a look at what you are eating and sort they out. You are not going to get stronger or add weight if you don’t eat. You mention trying to have three meals a day. Is there a reason you can’t achieve 3 or more very day? Is it availability of food or your job ??

Thanks for popping into my log, and yes I’m probably better off following a pre-made training system like 5/3/1, rather than some stupid shit I made up myself.

Regarding my diet and weight issue[s]:
It’s probably due to bad habits. I have for the last years probably eaten 2 meals a day on average, so starting with the goal of getting 3 meals a day on a consistent basis, seemed like a doable goal for the short term. I understand I have to increase the daily caloric intake beyond my daily targets for this cycle, but as with lifting, I believe the 5/3/1 principles of “starting light and progressing slowly” also applies to eating. I have tried to start up lifting again plenty of times the last four years (I lifted on a more consistent basis in my 20’s), but have always failed to establish lifting and eating properly as habits. This time I want to be able to stick with it long enough so that it becomes a habit for life (ergo the log title). I have a long way to go, but there is no other way to go than up. In conclusion; consistent lifting and eating for years is what matters in the pursue of strength and bigger muscles (not the optimal frequency, volume, intensity, TBT vs splits, or whatever people argue about online), and your log is a testament to this.


Cycle 2/Week 2/Workout A

Monday 28.10.2019.

After general warm up.


8x47,5kg (Estimated 1rm = 60,1kg).

DB Row:


  1. Back is still not 100%, but is feeling alot better.
  2. All reps in Squats was solid.
  3. Bench was okay, but could have been a tad more stable.
  4. All in all, a solid workout.

This is a sensible approach. Building routines that you can stick to and that become normal is a great way to go. Also pay some attention to the content of those meals. If you are not getting enough protein then progressing is going to be slow and potentially stop. Maybe think about setting up a weekly meal plan and then prepping some of that food on the weekend. I have 2 meals a day at work every day. These are all cooked on a Sunday so during the week I don’t have to think about what I am eating, I just take it to work. This way even if I have a bad evening meal I know I will still have a good day overall. 30mins on a Sunday is not a lot of time.

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Yes I need to make shure I get enough protein. At my current weight, I don’t think that will be to hard (as far as I know, 2 grams of protein per kg of bw is enough to sustain growth, as long as carbs and fats also are in order). That = 110 grams of protein per day for me at the moment.

My food intake for today (28.10.2019):

Meal 1: 3 Slices of bread with butter and salami, 3 soft-boiled eggs, and 1/2 litres of whole milk (with chocolate powder).

Meal 2: 180 gram of Steak (Entrecote), 2 potatoes, pepper sauce, and asparagus.

Meal 3: 3 fried eggs, and 1/2 litres of whole milk (with chocolate powder).

  • 4 light beers in the evening.


I estimate this as,
Meal 1 - 35g protein
Meal 2 - 40g protein
Meal 3 - 35g protein
Total 110g so you are just hitting your protein number. But overall this still doesn’t look like enough food to grow. You are very light and I think you need to up the food if you want to change he that, even if it is a slow approach it’s going to take more than what you are eating.

Tagged in a few gentleman who know a bit more about food intake than me who may be able to help here.
@Frank_C @jackolee @The_Mighty_Stu

Bread - depending on the brand, 360 calls
Eggs - 210 calls
Milk - 200+ cals

That’s 770 calls + butter, salami, and chocolate powder

Steak - could be 460 cals
Potatoes - 260 cals

That’s 720 plus the pepper sauce and asparagus.

Dinner looks like 410 cals plus the chocolate powder. Beer is 400 to 800 calories depending on type.

That’s 2400 plus cals for the day for a 55kg person, right? That should be plenty of food to grow. You’ll be better off eating higher quality foods. I’m not a fan of milk.

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This was what I was getting at. The food choices aren’t great. Also whilst 2400 may seem enough if the scales aren’t moving then surely the answer is to eat more.

What foods do you have? What are you willing to buy? Steak, ground beef, chicken, veggies, oatmeal, etc?

We’ve got to get your diet straightened out. I’m perpetually hungry so I always have food ready to go. You have to plan your food just like anything else.

Let us know what you have and we’ll get you on the right track.

Right now, I don’t have that much, besides eggs and milk. I thought eggs and milk where great for skinny guys with low apetite (I’m your opposit, not perpetually hungry) , hench why I based my non-dinner meals on them. Why do you not like milk?

I like most meats (cow, pork, fish, chicken etc), but are only used to eating this for dinner. May be a cultural thing. I’m from Norway, and breakfest, lunch, and supper are typically bread with something on in the typical Norwegian houshold.

But if I understand you correctly, you do not think slowly building up to 12 eggs and half a gallon of milk per day over a period of time, is a good way to bulk?

PS. I’m not trying to argue, and appreciate you guys trying to help me out.


I just weighed myself without clothes, and the scale said 57kg. Now this is offcourse after one day of eating, and it might also be a bit of bloat from the milk and light beers, compared to last time I weighed myself, wich was in the morning before I had eaten anything.


Humans are the only mammals that continue drinking milk after the infant stage. We don’t need it. In America, our cows are fed foods they can’t actually digest like corn. The result is that their stomachs produce mucous (like an infection). That mucous gets passed along to us in the milk. Dairy products make my wife’s asthma worse and I can feel it in my sinuses.

If you have a better source of milk then your situation is different.

I like bread as much as anyone but it’s typically a simple carb. That means it’s spikes blood sugar quickly and is digested fast. A complex carb such as oatmeal doesn’t spike blood sugar rapidly and takes longer to digest. A rapid spike is usually followed by a sudden crash. A gradual increase will stick with you longer. Both types have their place in a healthy diet. If you need fuel fast such as right before a workout then simple carbs are a good choice.

Your lunch looked good today. I would like to see something similar for dinner but with different foods. Choose a different form of meat if you can and pick different vegetables. This is just for variety. Eating foods of different colors ensures that you get all of the micronutrients that you need.

Do you have oatmeal? What is the chocolate powder that you are mixing with your milk? Is it protein powder or are you just making chocolate milk?

Thanks for the detailed reply @Frank_C.

Some clarifications:

  1. Meal 2 was dinner not lunch. My girlfriend and I eat different things for dinner every day. Today we are probably making hamburgers.
  2. The chocolat powder is just that, not protein powder. Yes I’m drinking chocolat milk, since I don’t like the flavour of milk au natural.
  3. I do believe Norwegian laws and regulations regarding food is stricter than in many other countries, but I’m not shure how clean our milk is. I don’t get any problems from milk however.
  4. I can offcourse swap the slices of bread with oatmeal instead, if you think that’s a better carb source.

Revised meal plan for the rest of Cycle 2:

Meal 1: Oatmeal (2,5 dl oats, 5 dl milk, raisins or honey).

Meal 2: Dinner.

Meal 3: 6 scrambled eggs + a glass of milk (5 dl).

In Cycle 3 I will increase the daily intake some. Perhaps a fourth meal.


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Not better; just different. If you train on the afternoon then oatmeal would be good for breakfast. If you train i the morning then bread is a better choice.

It also gives you a bit of variety. If you’re struggling with getting enough calories then you can put oatmeal in the blender and blend it into a flour. Add your chocolate milk to that and mix it up. You could add a banana, too (I like the taste of a chocolate/banana shake).