^ nodding poker face
[quote]Testy1 wrote:
I don’t understand RV,if you didn’t want us to comment why did you send us the copy? I am very disappointed that after taking the time to read and comment on what you have sent that you are denying it. I have marked it up, should I even send it back?[/quote]
First, stop with the insanity people. Everyone here knows basically what my book is about. And its not about vampires and werewolves.
I was given a peek at RV’s work as well and…it was actually quite good. You might even call me “enthralled” - I’m eager to read more!
I particularly liked the interactions of the mason and the chambermaid.
RV, if and when you’re ready to share more, please send it my way.
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
I was given a peek at RV’s work as well and…it was actually quite good. You might even call me “enthralled” - I’m eager to read more!
I particularly liked the interactions of the mason and the chambermaid.
RV, if and when you’re ready to share more, please send it my way.
mason and the chambermaid?? lol
Alright, let’s cut the bullshit.
The only important things are:
- How much did Ct. Dracula benchpress, squat, and deadlift?
- What federation did he lift in?
[quote]roguevampire wrote:
mason and the chambermaid?? lol[/quote]
Yeah! Most notably, the passage where the mason complains about the toll that his work has taken on his hands - the deep callouses and crippling phalangeal arthritis acquired through the restoration of Nyirbator castle - only to see that the chambermaid’s hands were in significantly worse condition, via the daily kneading and scrubbing of Lady Bathory’s fine linens - now THAT was a very rich scene…a scene full of richness.
I recieved a new PM.
I’ll be a little more forward with my judgement now…THIS STINKS!
Take a read of this drivel:
[i]The first time I met the ripplng muscle of the man named Sebastian Lacroix, I was at work.
I had awoken on the assfault in the alley behind Big Lots N Stuff, where I worked nights. I did not remember how I had gotten there. Rocks dug into my striated back and the back of my handsome head hurt where I had evidently slammed it into the ground on the way down.
When I opened my dazzlingly brown eyes he was staring down at me, sitting on his haunches at my side. He had
the most intensely blue eyes I had ever seen on another person before. They were strangely illuminated in the alleyway, like stars set against the dim night sky.
Perhaps it was the flickering florescent light above the door to the building they were picking up light from, but we were at least 3 feet from there, and he was facing away from it. I couldn’t figure how that could be.
Before long, he had opened his lucious mouth, and my musings of how lovely his eyes looked were silenced by his ugly words.
“Get up,” he snapped.
His piercing eyes disappeared for a moment and I felt his strong, beautiful hands on my shoulders. I was lifted easily to my feet. Mo mean feet, since I myself am built larger and more imposing than most Japanese men.
The alleyway spun around me, the dumpster, assfualt, brick building, all blurring together like they had been shoved together in a blender. I closed my eyes to the stranger, swaying.
“What happened?” I asked.[/i]
I love his misspellings.
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
[quote]roguevampire wrote:
mason and the chambermaid?? lol[/quote]
Yeah! Most notably, the passage where the mason complains about the toll that his work has taken on his hands - the deep callouses and crippling phalangeal arthritis acquired through the restoration of Nyirbator castle - only to see that the chambermaid’s hands were in significantly worse condition, via the daily kneading and scrubbing of Lady Bathory’s fine linens - now THAT was a very rich scene…a scene full of richness.[/quote]
wrong book, my dear fellow.
Starting a thread like this proves the obsession you people have with roguevampire. Rogue is amused at this. You quote things from someone that can’t write worth of crap. Then, you quote from an already published book. Rogue is a troll, rogue is stupid, rogue lies about himself, yet, you are the idiots posting stupid threads.
You probably write to each other, and try and think of ways to best attact rogue. You feel, that somehow rogue is touchy about his writing and feels that is a weakness of rogue’s, so you post work of others or make up stuff saying its rogue’s work. Rogue has had a great laugh at all of you. lets be real here, do you think rogue for one second, would ever let any of you read his book. Only those that rogue trusts get to read rogue’s work.
[quote]roguevampire wrote:
Only those that rogue trusts get to read rogue’s work. [/quote]
Ahh that’s how it is? When Nards started posted excerpts, at first I was a little hurt. I mean I spent at least 9 hours or so making silly vids of you and I don’t even get one fucking sentence in return?
Man…sometimes you suck RV.
And I’m not referring to the blood here.
Where am I and what is going on?
I’ve received another part, but I think there may be a problem with plagiarism.
It was the best of vampire times, it was the worst of vampire times, it was the age of werewolf wisdom, it was the age of werewolf foolishness, it was the epoch of muscular belief, it was the epoch of huge, massive incredulity, it was the season of Light-that-hurts-yet-sparkles, it was the season of sweet flexing Darkness, it was the spring of blood hope, it was the winter of blood despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being a great place to bone 400 year-old murderesses.
I finally got the prologue! Thanks RV!
Long time ago, in a kingdom far, far away…
It is a period of civil war. Rebel commandos, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Hungarian Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire?s ultimate weapon, the VAMPIRE STAR, an armored floating ship with enough power to destroy an entire village. Pursued by the Empire?s sinister agents, Prince Ferenc Nádasdy races Vienna aboard his horsecar, custodian of the stolen plans that can save his people and restore freedom to the country…
Didn’t want to read your smelly book anyways =/