Preferred Blasts on TRT?

AUC = area under curve

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I’ve started using average level (taking blood samples between the injection and the trough). I don’t want to fool myself into thinking my levels are lower than they actually are, to justify going up in dose. I inject EoD, and pull blood on the day in between.

A guy like me who says he has a 1000 ng/dL TT, is a bit more truthful than a once a week injection guy saying he has 1000 ng/dL when his blood was pulled 7 days after his injection. His average level would be around 50% higher than mine (in most cases).


I understood about 15% of the reading lol. So is it likely my body will be able to adapt to the new increase in test and my blood pressure will level out, or will i need to take active steps to reduce blood pressure. It seems as though the water retention is a “downstream” effect of TRT.


nice to have you back @tareload


Yeah I’m still fudging mine. But i’m still a high SHBG guy too so while my TT is going to be above range most of the week, my FT is almost never above range. Its like 1/2-2/3 max range when I test after a week.

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Do you find results with supra TT levels or only when FT is elevated?

Couldn’t tell you if I notice a difference. I just keep them there and pretty much always have since starting TRT.

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Thought the same thing as soon as I saw some graphs :joy:.

Just want to add my personal two cents to this because I am with @lordgains on his opinion.

  1. I agree with being close to your potential, because I’m not sure we can all define what this means for the individual. We all agree there should be a great deal of time in the gym and researching diet and physiology before hand, or whatever gains you have artificially given yourself will be down the toilet. I’m not willing to try to quantify for an individual without really knowing them if they’ve hit their peak. I hit my peak in my mid twenties natty, then kept nearly the same routine through my thirties and realized I had peaked physically before 30, though my strength has continued to increase even near 40.
  2. The first comment changes drastically if TRT is involved. If someone is knowingly going on test for life, I say let them do some research and some blasts sooner. I wish I had my levels checked and hopped on sooner to be honest, but fertility was always my worry. I had slow gains with TRT, then did some short blasts in between. My peak weight was 205, I’m 180 now with the same strength as I was at 205 (first blast bloat added added a good deal of water), and in my opinion I did not lose a great deal of my gains thanks to TRT. I do believe a blast will help you get there sooner, and at least from my personal opinion, TRT does help you maintain a decent amount of mass even after. All this depends on you truthfully knowing what you are doing, but I am not against it by any means.
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Good job starting to digest the information!

Height, weight, waist circumference?

Stay on top of your blood pressure and I’m glad you rethought taking large amounts of exogenous testosterone. These Providers aren’t going to be there for you if your health heads south. Protect yourself.

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