went into my docs on monday told him what I was about to do which is go on cycle so he got tests done and liver and kidney came back high readings any professional or experienced opinions? has anyone cycled with high readings or had high liver readings and found out what the problem was? he told me why the kidney is high which is fine. the liver im completely clueless and a bit worried to be honest… I have more readings but non I thought were relevant enough to post and share… if you think im missing any crucial tests before I cycle please let me know…
Testosterone : 13.4nmol/L ( 9 - 25 )
cholesterol: 3.6mmol/L
triglyceride: 0.7mmol/L
HDL: 1.53mmol/L
LDL: 1.8mmol/L
chol/HDL ratio 2.4 ratio
prolactin: 318 mU/l (85 - 400 )
Luteinizing hormone 3.1 U/L (1-10)
FSH 4.2 U/L
TSH 2.0 mU/L (0.4 - 3.8 )
AST 53 U/L ( 10 - 35 ) A
ALT 53U/L ( 5-40 ) A
total protein: 74g/L (60-83)
creatinine (serum) 112 umol/L ( 60 - 110 ) A
Well thats not crazy high. Are you a young gun who likes too booze it up with the ladies. If your concerned eat healthy don’t drink for a week or two and take the test again. I would imagine they would be within range then. Likely you drank or took a lot of acetaminophen or something to bump them up a little.
Serum creatinine is a function of LBM (ie, muscle) and protein intake (among other things). Thus, by dint of their body comp and dietary habits, it’s not uncommon for muscular individuals to have serum creatinine levels above the so-called ‘normal range:’
Re AST/ALT: Weightlifting is well-known to cause transient elevations of these biomarkers in healthy individuals:
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
Serum creatinine is a function of LBM (ie, muscle) and protein intake (among other things). Thus, by dint of their body comp and dietary habits, it’s not uncommon for muscular individuals to have serum creatinine levels above the so-called ‘normal range:’
Re AST/ALT: Weightlifting is well-known to cause transient elevations of these biomarkers in healthy individuals:
im 24 ive already done 2 cycles and was about to start my cutting cycle of tren ace and test prop but im waiting for more bloods to pinpoint why they are out of the normal range. after posting on forums a lot of people have told me that high intensity exercise does elevate ats and alt levels my doctor said he had no knowledge of the connection between exercise and raising those levels, sounds like my doctors not the smartest in the fitness category. he wants to rule out any possible diseases if comes back clear after I retest and drops in readings I will carry on with my cut cycle