[quote]TC wrote:
If enough of you want me to stop posting pictures of sexy girls on Friday, I will.
please DO NOT stop posting hot chicks…
[quote]TC wrote:
If enough of you want me to stop posting pictures of sexy girls on Friday, I will.
please DO NOT stop posting hot chicks…
[quote]mazilla wrote:
oh god damn it, leave the pics alone. enough of this douchebaggery.[/quote]
[quote]TC wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Yes, I realize I can turn it off. That’s not the point. This is a bidybuilding/strength/fitness website. Why not use pictures that exemplify this? Using soft-porn is gratuitous and cheapens the intent of the site.
I guess the guys who come here and never visit the lifting forums like the pics. It’s not a big deal, just an idea.
If I tell a friend about T-Nation and they visit, they might get the wrong impression (especially with the girl in the blue plastic outfit bending over).
I hear you guy, but the name of the site is Testosterone.
Pictures of those girls give me an electric charge. They make me want to work out.
However, I’m an innocent babe in the woods.
If enough of you want me to stop posting pictures of sexy girls on Friday, I will.
Why is it always the cries of the few that fucks it up for the masses? Majority rules MFers! Leave the pics!
[quote]superstar wrote:
Personally, I couldnt agree with PGJ more. I’m fairly new here, and am a woman. I already turned off the Powerful Images feature both at work and at home because:
Honestly, the same could be said for many of the pictures that appear with the articles. They are often just gratitutious boob or ass shots, and cheapen the message of the article and the look of the whole site.
On good days i just ignore it, on bad days i really feel that the site appears a lot less credible than it could be. Today is a bad day.
Alright. All the perverts and new guys have spoken. You got to have your sex-fix every minute of the day. It doesn’t offend me, I was just making a suggestion.
In that case, why don’t we see more bodatious (sp?) women? I mean, there are some really “fit” porn stars out there. Why not just give in and go full nudity?
In all honesty, I never noticed that the hot chicks were a Friday thing.
OOOPS! I slipped again!
It’s really funny the way some of you guys are really upset about your little boobie pics. Shit, man. There’s about a million other sites that will show you a lot more. It’s just a little cheesie to me.
No harm, and your beloved Friday hottie isn’t going anywhere. I wonder how many guys who responded actually come here to read about fitness or even lift. There’s a lot of names on this thread I don’t recognize. I’m sure a lot of folks from the politics forum are up in arms.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
Jimfound wrote:
PGJ wrote:
TC wrote:
PGJ wrote:
Yes, I realize I can turn it off. That’s not the point. This is a bidybuilding/strength/fitness website. Why not use pictures that exemplify this? Using soft-porn is gratuitous and cheapens the intent of the site.
I guess the guys who come here and never visit the lifting forums like the pics. It’s not a big deal, just an idea.
If I tell a friend about T-Nation and they visit, they might get the wrong impression (especially with the girl in the blue plastic outfit bending over).
I hear you guy, but the name of the site is Testosterone.
Pictures of those girls give me an electric charge. They make me want to work out.
However, I’m an innocent babe in the woods.
If enough of you want me to stop posting pictures of sexy girls on Friday, I will.
Nothing wrong with sexy girls, but there are plenty of sexy girls with muscle. I’m not trying to be a prude, but some of the pics just make me go WTF? Some skinny girl with big boobs doesn’t make me want to go to the gym. A girl with some obvious muscle squatting 300lbs or a Monica Brant, that’s something different.
Thats the third time you have said the same thing…we get it…you don’t like chics…but everyone else here does
Ok, Mr. New guy. Got it. I appreciate you and your 13-post input. Way to jump right in and speak for the whole group right off the bat.
Dear moron - I have been a member of this site since July 2005 - whereas you have been a member since March of 2006. Am I still the new guy?
I din’t think so.
As far as speaking for everyone on this site - perhaps I do not - I will give you that. There are always whiney little bitc-- like you who feel they need to be the morality police for the rest of us. Read the responses you are getting in this thread - you will find that I definitely speak for the majority.
Turn the Powerful images off and STFU!!!
[quote]pushharder wrote:
TC wrote:
…If enough of you want me to stop posting pictures of sexy girls on Friday, I will.
If this happens, TC, we’ll know that your employee discount at Biotest must be pathetically low and you’re not taking your REZ-V and Alpha Male.[/quote]
Man, this argument is as old as the site itself.
I hear the naysayers, but when I say I’m a babe in the woods, I mean it. I can’t see how a picture that’s as sexy as one you might find in the local newspaper in a lingerie ad is so bad.
Still, I’m not dismissing your viewpoint. It’s probably good to remind me of this situation every once in a while.
[quote]Rockscar wrote:
OOOPS! I slipped again![/quote]
That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Let’s quit pretending and go all out on Friday. None of this sweet girl with a nice figure stuff. Nice pic.
[quote]superstar wrote:
Personally, I couldnt agree with PGJ more. I’m fairly new here, and am a woman. I already turned off the Powerful Images feature both at work and at home because:
Honestly, the same could be said for many of the pictures that appear with the articles. They are often just gratitutious boob or ass shots, and cheapen the message of the article and the look of the whole site.
On good days i just ignore it, on bad days i really feel that the site appears a lot less credible than it could be. Today is a bad day.
Hmmm, and what’s your view on women only fitness clubs? This site hasn’t been promoted as men only and while women are welcomed here, don’t expect to get too warm a reception if you try and change it to your perception of what men should like. Like other’s have said just change or personal options or leave. I get sick of the bullshit that a few people seem to think everyone else should cater to their insecurities, as your willingnes to say shit like this depends on wether you’re having a “bad day” or not. Lame.
I bet if you looked anything like the women in these pics you wouldn’t be complaining.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
Yes, I realize I can turn it off. That’s not the point. This is a bidybuilding/strength/fitness website. Why not use pictures that exemplify this? Using soft-porn is gratuitous and cheapens the intent of the site.
I guess the guys who come here and never visit the lifting forums like the pics. It’s not a big deal, just an idea.
If I tell a friend about T-Nation and they visit, they might get the wrong impression (especially with the girl in the blue plastic outfit bending over). [/quote]
Good. They won’t like the site anyway if they can’t handle a hot scantily clad woman.
This argument is ridiculous. Leave the hot chicks where they are and turn off your Powerful images. Don’t mess it up for everyone else.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Gregus wrote:
Since this is Testosterone Nation we like to see women in all their glory. We like to see them in their empowered state to drive us crazy. Pictures of women with muscles shows they are strong and dedicated. Pictures of women with weights and fitness physiques show how pretty and hot a woman can be while shunning tradition of women’s roles.
Women in sexy and seductive poses further empowers them. It empowers them because it shows the power a woman can yield over us mere men by just looking a certain way. They can make us pant and beg for more with just a mere gesture and pose. It’s one of woman’s greatest assets to be able to combine intelligence, dedication to a sport and use her sexiness to turn us into lap dogs.
I for one appreciate all the greatness of women and their powerfull images.
And I appreciate this Powerful Post.[/quote]
I second that, or third it or whatever. Great post to a really bad subject.
I’m a female (maybe not as powerful as some of the rest here) but, I like looking at the pics too. I’m not a lesbian so don’t get all frothy…but, it’s nothing you don’t see everyday in a fitness magazine made for, yes, WOMEN!
I realize the name of the site has Testosterone in it and I Appreciate and enjoy, the also inspiring (cough, choke, ahem) Powerful images of the MEN posted here as well. So, to each his/her own.
Let the images stay!
Yes, said by me, someone that hardly ever posts and is female to boot.
[quote]pbody03 wrote:
superstar wrote:
Personally, I couldnt agree with PGJ more. I’m fairly new here, and am a woman. I already turned off the Powerful Images feature both at work and at home because:
Honestly, the same could be said for many of the pictures that appear with the articles. They are often just gratitutious boob or ass shots, and cheapen the message of the article and the look of the whole site.
On good days i just ignore it, on bad days i really feel that the site appears a lot less credible than it could be. Today is a bad day.
Hmmm, and what’s your view on women only fitness clubs? This site hasn’t been promoted as men only and while women are welcomed here, don’t expect to get too warm a reception if you try and change it to your perception of what men should like. Like other’s have said just change or personal options or leave. I get sick of the bullshit that a few people seem to think everyone else should cater to their insecurities, as your willingnes to say shit like this depends on wether you’re having a “bad day” or not. Lame.
I bet if you looked anything like the women in these pics you wouldn’t be complaining.[/quote]
Lighten up, Uncle Pervie. Nobody is making any demands or expecting to be catered to. It was just an observation I had and I made a recomendation. I was over-ruled. Relax.
[quote]superstar wrote:
SirPhisticated wrote:
Maybe that is why it’s Testosterone Nation and not Estrogen Nation? I’m by no means saying that the site is not for women, but you should take it for what it was originally intended. There’s also F-HEIT.com you know…
If the contributors thought that their articles are being cheapened, they probably wouldn’t keep submitting articles at the rate they do.
I have no idea what the contributors think about the pictures, i’m saying what I think of them.
Oh ya, and please spare me the “If you don’t like it, find a women’s site” argument while trying to say in the same breath that women are welcome here. If women are welcome to contribute to this message board, then you’ll have to put up with my estrogen-laced opinion about things. [/quote]
That’s cute…an “estrogen laced opinion”.
This is fucking Testosterone Nation. If I want “estrogen laced opinions”, I’ll get them from my girlfriend.
Now, turn those fucking pictures off and stop whining. Send your complaints to Oprah, I’m sure she’ll run an expose on this site if you’re being discrimnated against.
[quote]superstar wrote:
Personally, I couldnt agree with PGJ more. I’m fairly new here, and am a woman. I already turned off the Powerful Images feature both at work and at home because:
Honestly, the same could be said for many of the pictures that appear with the articles. They are often just gratitutious boob or ass shots, and cheapen the message of the article and the look of the whole site.
On good days i just ignore it, on bad days i really feel that the site appears a lot less credible than it could be. Today is a bad day.
Then fucking go somewhere else.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
pbody03 wrote:
superstar wrote:
Personally, I couldnt agree with PGJ more. I’m fairly new here, and am a woman. I already turned off the Powerful Images feature both at work and at home because:
Honestly, the same could be said for many of the pictures that appear with the articles. They are often just gratitutious boob or ass shots, and cheapen the message of the article and the look of the whole site.
On good days i just ignore it, on bad days i really feel that the site appears a lot less credible than it could be. Today is a bad day.
Hmmm, and what’s your view on women only fitness clubs? This site hasn’t been promoted as men only and while women are welcomed here, don’t expect to get too warm a reception if you try and change it to your perception of what men should like. Like other’s have said just change or personal options or leave. I get sick of the bullshit that a few people seem to think everyone else should cater to their insecurities, as your willingnes to say shit like this depends on wether you’re having a “bad day” or not. Lame.
I bet if you looked anything like the women in these pics you wouldn’t be complaining.
Lighten up, Uncle Pervie. Nobody is making any demands or expecting to be catered to. It was just an observation I had and I made a recomendation. I was over-ruled. Relax.
Excuse me, Uncle pervy? Who needs to lighten up? You are the guy that suggested things be changed to suit your viewpoint. All it would take is for you to change your options, but no, we should all have to change for you, nice.
Dudes, some of you are really freakin emotional about this. Enough so that you resort to name-calling, and rude flaming.
I don’t know if you’re the same scrawney kids who post “progress” pics of yourselves and look like you’ve never seen a gym. But no matter whether you actually train or not, i highly doubt the “testosterone” aspects of this website apply to you and i know for a fact that the “bodybuilding’s think-tank” part does not.
Of course, i’m not talking about everyone who posted in this thread, just a few of the especially pathetic ones.
[quote]superstar wrote:
Dudes, some of you are really freakin emotional about this. Enough so that you resort to name-calling, and rude flaming.
I don’t know if you’re the same scrawney kids who post “progress” pics of yourselves and look like you’ve never seen a gym. But no matter whether you actually train or not, i highly doubt the “testosterone” aspects of this website apply to you and i know for a fact that the “bodybuilding’s think-tank” part does not.
Of course, i’m not talking about everyone who posted in this thread, just a few of the especially pathetic ones.
Dear sir who has no clue,
I am 29, have a great job, I love the Iron…Big beautiful tits…lovely round ass…Thick Steaks…Whiskey with one ice cube…Sex on the 7th green of my golf club, and assorted other “Perverted” things.
My friend…T-Nation is guys like me, Testosterone IS loud, boisterous, fun-loving guys…If this offends you by all means…LEAVE.