Posting w/ Proxy?

They started blocking T-Nation and a million other sites at work. I can view if I use a proxy but I cannot post.

Any suggestions?

The only ones that truly work in my opinion are the ones you actually download/ install and eventually buy (for pretty cheap)

You can try them all out from or something to make sure they work for you and your setup and then buy it.

I had to test a whole bunch of them before I could log into certain sites from the USA.


Using a virtual machine will usually get you past all filters.

Set your home pc up so you can log into it remotely. Then use it to browse where ever you want from work.

[quote]stevo_ wrote:
The only ones that truly work in my opinion are the ones you actually download/ install and eventually buy (for pretty cheap)


Torrent it.

Sorry to hear that, Zap. I was blocked at work from posting on the forums for 2 or 3 years. For a short time I couldn’t access T-Nation at all. I definitely sympathize. Or would that be empathize? I always confuse the two.

I would sometimes do what Ontrack suggested. I would setup my PC at home and log in remotely, but a lot of times my connection and speed were poor, so I didn’t do it much.

[quote]ontrack wrote:
Set your home pc up so you can log into it remotely. Then use it to browse where ever you want from work.[/quote]

Your best bet, Zap. Free web proxies are rather poor.

But your work my only allow access to web pages (blocking all other ports except for HTTP traffic).

I have used a program called SSL-Explorer which is open source and works a treat. A few clicks and you can access your desktop remotely from anywhere with just access to a web browser.

It creates VPN tunnels over a HTTPS link. If you can access banking websites then your work allows HTTPS (some don’t).

It even comes ready built as a Virtual Machine which you can use VM Player (for free) to almost switch on and use as a layman without any configuration (almost).



Do you know someone that can set up a T-Nation mirror site for you?

Ask one of the guys in the technical support forum here to do it for you.

Lots of good suggestions here. To add, let me know what filter product your company uses – I work for one of the internet filter companies and can tell you how to get around it if it’s mine.