Post Injection Pain Under Injection Site, Susta 250

Hi there!

I been reading this forum for long time and you guys have gave me a lot of information, thanks for that.
Now I have a question of my own. I gave my self a first injection of sustanon 250 1ml to my right glute and had bad pip the next day. Now the pip is gone but about 25 cm down, a bit above my knee it hurts a lot and it is a bit swollen and slightly red. Any of you have idea why could it be? Mu own guess is that becouse I was limping yesterday that it got the muscles of my knee sore but do you think there could be something else to it? Also I think that I didnā€™t inject deep enough to the muscle could that be the reason also? I did aspirate so I know that I didnt hit any bloodvessels or anything. Thank you in advance!

Subcutaneous leak combined with it being your first injection. All totally normal. Also stop aspirating. There is no need for it.


Thank you for your answer! Got a bit anxious already that I fucked up somehow. Itā€™s getting a lot better already, hopefully Iā€™ll be able to squat tomorrow :smile:

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