Post-Injection Issue, Help Diagnose It!

Good morning, I’m looking for an advice on some issue in experiencing post front deltoid injection.

I did try to look for an answer myself thru out this whole forum but I couldn’t, I’ll attach images below so u can have a look and see if some of have been in the same situation as me or experienced some issue post felt injection

So I made the injection about 5 days ago on Monday, everything was fine. I did inject 250 test E and 175 Eq in one go. So this might caused the problem

Injection site is bit bruised and swollen and sore when I raise my arm above the shoulder. About 3 days ago swelling progressed down to my bicep which u will see on the pictures
I did experience such thing before but not as severe.
I do ice pack it as well as I take curcumine and ibuprofen to fight off the inflammation but can’t say if it really works

First, forget the mgs and consider the mls. How much liquid did you inject? You should never inject more than 3ml at a time.

Second, did you mix oil and water based? Most Eq used to be water but I am out of the loop on that. I never mix oil and water.

Third, from
Now, we need to discuss what it’s going to look and feel like if you get an infection.

First of all, you’re going to feel a kind of soreness that’s different from a typical injection. It’s going to be more of a sharp pain, as opposed to a dull pain. The next thing is that it’s going to be discolored around the injection area and, will have a clearly defined border. I’m not talking about a little red area here. It’s more like a very large blister at first with some kind of fluid inside it. Gross, but wait, it gets better. During the final stage there is a very viscous fluid inside the border, and a very dark discoloration. By this time, it will be a very large protruding bulge that possibly needs to be drained. This final discoloration will be very dark and you’ll definitely, at this point, know that something has gone terribly wrong.

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