Hey guys, new to the steroid game. I was on a 8 week cycle of Test-E and Masteron, 1 cc of each every 3 days. I did’nt have access to any PCT for about 1.5 months after my last shot of Test. Pct was Hcg 2500btu every 2 days total of 4 shots, 500mg clomid, 20mg Nolvadex.
Its been about 2 months after my last shot of Test and a week after my PCT. STILL NO SEX DRIVE!
Its freaking me a bit out because I had massive sex drive prior to Starting my cycle. Since Hcg my balls have dropped and got back to normal size, but It is very difficult to get hard. Can anyone help?
Either your post is full of typos,or you really had no idea what you were doing. Your dosages are all out of wack. 1cc means nothing if you don’t know the concentrations. PCT should be on hand lo start as soon as you’re ready.
btu is a unit of heat lol
Let your body normalize itself. Don’t touch gear again
you started a cycle with no prior knowledge to know what you’re putting inside of your body. this shit is no joke dude. you can fuck yourself up PERMANENTLY. if you would’ve put a little research into this you would’ve probably come to the conclusion of “wow id rather not be on trt for the rest of my life to get a boner just so i can have some bigger arms and bench 350 bro.” you could spend 2 hours on this website and know everything you need to know about running a proper cycle and pct.