Hey guys. I’ve been wanting to optimize my testosterone for a long time now seeing that it is currently low for my age at 391ng/dL (240-814 reference range). This came to a suprise for me because I train pretty seriously in the gym and have been eating clean for years. The thing is I am only 30 years old! I figured it should be in the 500-600 range at least. But I might of messed myself up awhile back when I was in my early 20s by using a prohormone called dmz. I used it twice (one month each) both times taking pct after and made all kinds of gains but I’m afraid it may be the reason I’m in my current situation. I’ve been feeling exhausted all the time and I feel like I lost that drive, the motivation to just crush it day in and day out. So I went to my doctor and had labs done last year and she actually sent my labs to a urologist but he was’nt interested in treating me because he said I’m within the normal range. I know that’s a bunch of bs but I’m currently going through the VA so I can’t just go to another doctor (no health insurance). I would of course love to bring up my testosterone up naturally but that will only go so far. I’m already going to the gym 4 days a week doing heavy compound lifts, eating clean whole foods, sleeping 7-8hrs a day, ect. I’m still young and I want to have kids in the future which is why I don’t want to go with the testosterone injection route for the rest of my life plus that stuff is expensive. That’s why I am seriously considering about getting some clomid to see if that will boost me up and try to monitor it by myself. Do you guys think I would be a good candidate for clomid? Is it something I can take for a few months and be good for life or is it something I would have to take forever to keep the testosterone gains? Would love to hear your guys input… I’ll post my labs along with reference ranges below, not sure if its too much info or not enough.
Optimize testosterone on Clomid, clomid is associated with misery, it blocks estrogen in the brain and is used for a very short amount time to jumpstart your natural production.
Any TRT protocol should focus on multiple injections per week, EOD or everyday do to lower SHBG or else TRT may not work well. You shouldn’t target high normal levels due to low SHBG, you should aim for about 550 ng/dL or estrogen will be out of control.
TRT is for life, you stop and you lose all gains and return to the state you were in when diagnosed with low testosterone. Total testosterone levels below 440 ng/dL are associated with cardiovascular disease.
I appreciate your input and the video. It was an interesting watch. However I don’t want to jump on TRT injections just yet because as I mention earlier, I am still young and want to have kids in the near future. With that said, I want to avoid shutting down my natural testosterone production. Also to add to that, TRT is too expensive for me at the moment. Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s an excellent idea once I am in my 50s and financially better off. That’s what I will probably end up doing. But as of right now the idea of jumpstarting my natural testosterone production sounds like exactly what I want. So considering my labs, do you think clomid is the right move for me?
Clomid will increase SHBG higher than you’ll ever get it naturally, that is a good thing! Beware clomid isn’t tolerated by most men and some get suicidal and have severe mood problems, it’s not a feel good drug.
You’re a perfect candidate, just be aware of the side effects. Some get vision problems that resolve after stopping it, some have permanent floaters, but waiting till your in your 50’s for TRT can’t be an option if you want to be free from disease.
These data showed that a testosterone threshold of 440 ng/dL was associated with increased Framingham 10-year CVD risk in middle-aged and elderly men. Poor sexual performance, decreased morning erection, and loss of libido had an impact on the testosterone threshold for CVD risk. The threshold level was higher in men with sexual dysfunction.
Great! Yeah it sounds like clomid is just what I need. I’ll have to get some more information before I start but I can’t wait to get the ball rolling! I know that one of the side effects is a spike in estrogen and a lot of guys use anastrozole to combat this. Any recomendations as far as dosing for anastrozole and clomid? I know where I can find clomid but where do I buy anastrozole? Also, what’s your opinion on clomid vs nolvadex? Is clomid the best option for what I’m trying to achieve or should I opt for nolvadex?
As for CVD, I’m not too worried about it for now because I live a very healthy lifestyle as far as weightlifting, cardio, and clean eating. My cholestrol and blood sugar levels are at a very healthy range. Everything seems to be in check except for my testosterone levels. Hoping to get that fix without TRT injections.
I’ve never seen anyone so excited to start clomid before which suggests you haven’t really researched it enough, just don’t get your hopes set to high, you’ll probably be forced to stop clomid to do the side effects anyway and you’ll need an plan B.
I would start out clomid 25mg EOD, I don’t know what dosing options you have available for an anastrozole, but start low (.125) twice weekly.
Yeah I’m just looking forward to hopefully increasing my testosterone levels. I have done a decent amount of research on clomid and I think some of the side effects you are referring to is due to dosing too high and not regulating estrogen levels which I plan to keep a pretty close eye on. And I don’t expect to hit the top end of the normal range of TT but I will be happy to be somewhere in the middle. 25mg of clomid EOD sounds like good advice and that is what I’ll probably start with before tapering off. I plan to start with DIMs to help with estrogen and I don’t have any resource to get anastrozole so instead I am going to go with aromasin as my back up to control estrogen levels. Any dosage suggestions for aromasin?
It might be a few months before I start my HPTA restart journey. I want to get some bloodwork done first to see where I’m at and go from there. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
You’re pretty far off the mark and more research is needed, you haven’t even scratched the surface into your knowledge regarding clomid.
Clomid increases estrogen and antagonizes the estrogen receptors by binding to it and also blocks estrogen in the brain in order to increase LH further which in turn increases testosterone.
A very high percentage of men can’t tolerate clomid at all, severe mood problems are a common complaint and 10% experience visual disturbances.
HPTA restarts don’t exist, once you stop clomid your levels will fall right back down to your baseline lower levels. These restarts men speak of where they start out with lower levels, go on clomid for a few months and months later after stopping clomid their levels remain high normal are nonsense, it’s an attempt to live in denial and a refusal to expect your levels are never coming back.
How am I far off the mark? I’m starting to think that I’ve done more research than you have. This is all information that I am already very aware of and like I mentioned earlier, the symptoms you’ve stated is mostly either from guys coming off of a cycle and running too high of a dose on clomid or or overweight guys who do not run any AI and fail to track their estrogen levels.
This right here tells me that you have not really looked into clomid as closely as I first thought. Now I know it is a given that clomid therapy will not work for men that have primary hypogonadism. Obviously if clomid stimulates your testicles to produce more testosterone and the problem is that your testicles is not functioning, then this drug will be useless. But theres been plenty of postings where younger guys with secondary hypogonadism are using clomid for HPTA restart and have been successful with it. I am looking for someone with more knowledge and experience with clomid and HPTA restart. I’m not here for a bias opinion from someone who is not speaking from experience.