Where did you find a GI for Shredded Wheat that was higher than white bread?
I found several that were much lower. I don’t see how Shredded Wheat can possibley be worse than white bread. It still has fiber and small amounts of fat and protein
Also, cereals labeled “whole grain” are not refined. That would be false advertising. Now, many whole grain cereals are ruined by sugar coating, dyes, etc., if that’s what you meant.
I think it was Medozas website. Just the first one I came to. I didnt search for an exact one.
As for the Whole Wheat Statement and not being processed. Etc. yes its dirty advertising they get around by Processing the Whole grain but obliterate it. Grind it heat it, use chemicals on it and still use everything that is left. They used the Whole grain, but it is No longer Whole grain IMO.
You got me curios Angel… So I checked more sites here is another which much the same as I posted prior.
The #'s are GI, serving, carbs per, and GL
Shredded Wheat breakfast cereal
83, 30, 21.7, 18
White Bread (USA)
70, 30, 13.4, 9.4
Glucose (dextrose) (50 g test portion)
85, 50, 49.5, 42.1
As shown the Shredded whaet Blows the hell out of the white Bread for both GI and GL and is Just edged otu by the dextrose, BUT the dextrose is also 20g more for a serving. WOW!!!
It is shocking what they do to food and then try and pass to us as WHOLE and HEALTHY.
Wow, I never would have guessed that Shredded Wheat would be so close to glucose, although two numbers were given, including a lower 67. Still, that 83…
It’s funny you mention about processing of whole wheat…the heating and addition of chemicals. I’m actually learning a bit about food processing in one of my classes now. Processors are pretty much required to to mess with food like that in order to kill fungi (particularly a problem for wheat) and other microbes. If they didn’t, they’d be in trouble.
Nonetheless, learning about all that is done to food, even it is only to keep us safe from foodborne disease, makes me never want to by anything that comes in a box, can, pouch, jar…whatever.
Hmmm, I should probably add that the heating for shredded wheat is primarily for cooking purposes…to make it more palatable and digestible. I actually just found a section in my textbook about the production of breakfast cereals and it contains a few paragraphs that explain the making of shredded wheat, specifically.
[quote]rubberbubba wrote:
boonville410 wrote:
pop tarts + trans fats = never good
It’s all a consipracty, Barr works for Kelloggs : )
I must admit, though, they are pretty freakin’ tasty!
We can simplify this statement:
Good Tasting = Not Good for You
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish my plain brown rice.
I would have to disagree here. Just finishing my breakfast I would prefer it over any damn pop tart or doughnut and it was healthy.
An italian omelete with eggs white oregeno, garlic, coriander seeds, tomateo and green pepper. Along side a diced pear with a little water and a scoop of Vanilla Grow! to make a fruity pudding. Then top it all off with a nice sweet potatoe with cinnamon, ginger, cloves and a touch of salt and splenda.
No that Kicks any Pop Tarts, or Krispee Kremes ass IMO in both taste and By far in nutritional value.
It is not hard to make GREAT tasting meals with simple whole foods just takes a bit of creativity and a variety of ingredients and spices.