[quote]Reed wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]Reed wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]Reed wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
yes it gets harder and harder to add weight as you get heavier… im sure you did not increase calories when you needed to… there are other variables that need to change in addition to the inclusion of aas/increase in dose, etc.
I ran super dmz 2.0 once… felt sick after the first week… you should stop abusing your body with those toxic substances.
Reed, id suggest that you diet down, and look into insulin before you begin mega-dosing aas… it will be healthier that way
im going to start using humulin R, 3x a day, 4 times a week in my next blast. about 30 IU/day to start off hoping to end up around 45 IU/day[/quote]
Not really sure about insulin plus have zero access to it. But, I do plan on leaning abit for sure I would like to get down to 200-210 before November this year. I still wouldn’t be crazy lean but, much prettier than I am now. [/quote]
no access to insulin? you can walk into a walgreens, walmart, maybe even cvs and tell the pharmacist that you need a bottle of humulin R and they will give it to you. you don’t need a script for it.
Humalog and lantus are different stories I believe[/quote]
Seriously??? How can I get that and not need a script? Never have heard of this. According any info I can find it says only available with Script in TN and GA. [/quote]
strange… where I live you don’t need a script, im on the east coast[/quote]
Yeah East Coast is a little bit more tolerant of stuff like this. Literally last night a friend of mine got pulled over by police for tinted windowns. They searched and found 2 20mg Dbol on him and are charging him with 2 counts of Class D Felony Possession. Its stupid hard to get any thing over here. Even the standard half inch Diabetic Needles you can probably buy at most super markets and pharmacies are damn near impossible get here with out something showing you actually have a script or at least a vial of it with your name on it.[/quote]
You cam buy any syringes you want on Amazon or a million other site.
That’s crazy as shit about your friend though man…scary