Pocket Hercules Turns 100!

Former Mr Universe turns 100. God bless him

Lucky bugger.

I wish him more happy and healthy years to come.

I thought you meant Naim Suly and i was like he is hardly 100. But now i know.

Great story.

I don’t know about a life without tensions, though. Good luck finding that. Considering he did time in prison for political protesting, my guess is he just handles stress better than most.

And if he can live that long, so can ID.


Dude is nearly 5 times older than me, respect. Must be so strange to see the world change around you that much.

Still looking pretty good at 100

Young Manohar


[quote]DarkNinjaa wrote:
And if he can live that long, so can ID.



I’m workin’ on it, DN!

Inspiring, them old school muthafuckers are bad ass

Great story, which could be summarized by squats and milk.