Hello guys,
I came back with my bloodwork being 300 ng/ml of my total testosterone… and free testosterone being 90 PG/ ML… yes PG.
I have not had morning erections for 2 years…and no full erections for 2 years as well…
I don’t know much about steroids and PCT
but I did some reading and saw that some patients are treated with Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) to naturally raise their testosterone levels.
I am thinking about just taking Clomid (tablets/pills) to boost my testosterone.
People have taken climid to boost testosterone for extended periods of time so there is a precedent for this. I remember having read a study on it so you can probably look it up in Pubmed. This strategy, however, has serious drawbacks:
Clomiphene seems to be carcinogenic so taking it for extended period of time is wouldn’t be a great idea.
It also seems so have some estrogenic side effects to it.
It can desensitize your pituitary response to LHRH
Some say it can elevate estrogen by creating high intratesticular levels of estrogen for which an aromatase inhibitor will do nothing, although this one might be nothing more than bro-science.
Lastly, it will do little for your testosterone levels if your hypogonadism is primary, meaning that your LH/FSH levels are OK but your testicles don’t respond to it by producing Testosterone.
If your hypogonadism is secondary, meaning your pituitary is not producing enough LH/FSH to stimulate the testicles properly, a Clomid/Nolvadex restart can be attempted. It consists of a period of taking the SERM to stimulate the pituitary and then tapering off. I’ve read both good and bad reviews on this so it can work but not for everyone.
So, the logical thing for you to do is to determine the cause of your low testosterone. This entails getting extensive bloodworm done to figure out where the problem lays. Once you have a better clue about this, you can decide on what to do about it and there are many options, from making diet/lifestyle changes and taking supplements, to attempting the SERM restart, to doing long term HCG + AI or full blown TRT.
You’re in the low normal range for free t and barely in low range for total…why wouldn’t your doctor prescribe treatment or at least perform more tests to identify any underlying issues? If he/she won’t, find a new one or better yet see an endo. Pretty simple. An endo can help you more than some anonymous bros on a board. Simple fact. The trt section can educate you for sure and get you up to speed on how the process should go and the terminology etc etc, but get professional help. It blows my mind why people come on public boards looking for advice on self diagnosis and treatment, like bro “massiveguns” or whoever knows better than a medical specialist. …I’m talking specialists, not GP. See one. The end.
Umm you’d be surprised how clueless a lot of endos actually are. I have learned a whole lot more from these boards than my endo. I’m not saying they are all like that but I think the majority don’t know as much as they should.
Ummm. Professional experts in a field trump knowledgeable laymen. Thats just simply a fact. Especially when dealing with your health. They are better equipped to truly undertsand the entire picture. They do have acess to better resources whether it is reference material or working with colleagues in the field, along with the formal education that is the foundation of an expert in any scientific type field.
I have experienced what you mention. And totally agree that not all are created equal. Not all are progressive, proactive or even open minded. Yes its frustrating. Yes it is completely true that some are not very current or seem unknowledgeable.
But…would a brilliant physicist claim to be more adept at interpretation of gentic code than a geneticist? sure that physicist can grasp the concepts and possibly apply the basics, but doesn’t have the tools to go beyond grasping the concepts at a fundamental level. That is why experts exist. No one here is an expert.
Not arguing, just suggesting that people who experience problems WORK WITH a medical professional. Your knowledge is an asset there…working with your doctor.
Wanted to mention that there are definitely knowledgeable folks here. Not trying to light a fire under anyones ass. But IMO what I wrote is reality. Yep some docs flat out suck. But when you finally hook up with one who knows their shit…your knowledge isn’t automatically void at all, but it may seem humbled and small in comparison when someone can just intuit things it took you a long time to grasp.
Look at guys like prisoner, bbb, bill roberts…they either work in a medical field and/or have the academic credentials and research experience that allows them to simply intuit things some of use need to work hard to fully understand. It’s not an apples to apples comparison.
I have an eng undergrad, two science minors and a post grad in a different eng discipline…enough to research and comprehend and apply said comprehension to myself…but I surely can’t comprehend the complexity of the subject matter better than say bill roberts. Its just reality.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah I agree with you but I think it is definitely a good idea to utilize a good board like this one, figure out who the knowledgeable members are and use their advice as well as a good endo. You just made it sound pointless to come on this board looking for help and I disagree, however, yes I think it is a very good idea to get yourself a knowledgeable doctor as well.
Sure knowledge is helpful. Boards serve a purpose for sure. They are a guide and a springboard. But when you are experiencing something medical…knowledge alone isn’t solving the issue. That’s the point I’m making…since it looked like the OP was looking for advice about self medicating. Self study and applications is fine for cycling. But when your health is at stake, I personally would opt for professional help. Knowledge then helps you determine if a doc is going to be helpful or useless…and aids your process working with a knowledgeable one.
It all boils down to whether we want to advise folks about self diagnosis and treatment…or send them to an expert. Thats all I’m saying. Been a member here a long time and it’s a great resource…the reason why I mentioned the trt section for reference for the OP…but I’m sure the fellas there would immediately say go to a doctor. We aren’t disagreeing really. You’re defending the merits of the board which is totally valid. Im saying don’t rely on that alone for a possible medical problem.
[quote]sadkunt wrote:
Hello guys,
I came back with my bloodwork being 300 ng/ml of my total testosterone… and free testosterone being 90 PG/ ML… yes PG.
I have not had morning erections for 2 years…and no full erections for 2 years as well…
I don’t know much about steroids and PCT
but I did some reading and saw that some patients are treated with Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) to naturally raise their testosterone levels.
I am thinking about just taking Clomid (tablets/pills) to boost my testosterone.
post your questions in TRT forum after you read these: