I currently play D1AA football and after the season I would like to start a cycle to help regain some of the size and strength I lost while in season. I’ve been training for a little over 5 years now and my stats are as follow: Deadlift 465, Squat 490, bench 235. My bench is so low compared to my other lifts because I am a place kicker so a lot of my training emphasis goes towards lower body. I want to keep the cycle as simple as possible since it will be my first. This is what I have planned as of right now
W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg E3D
W 1-12 Adex 0.25mg EOD (adex is in the form of liquid research chem)
W 13-14 tamoxifen 40mg/d
W 15-16 tamoxifen 20mg/d
any feedback would be great. thanks