Plans for First Cycle

I currently play D1AA football and after the season I would like to start a cycle to help regain some of the size and strength I lost while in season. I’ve been training for a little over 5 years now and my stats are as follow: Deadlift 465, Squat 490, bench 235. My bench is so low compared to my other lifts because I am a place kicker so a lot of my training emphasis goes towards lower body. I want to keep the cycle as simple as possible since it will be my first. This is what I have planned as of right now

W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg E3D
W 1-12 Adex 0.25mg EOD (adex is in the form of liquid research chem)
W 13-14 tamoxifen 40mg/d
W 15-16 tamoxifen 20mg/d

any feedback would be great. thanks

It’s a good basic cycle. However, you may need a bit more adex, and chances are if it’s RL adex, it’s underdosed, so pay attention to signs of high estrogen.

How old are you? Height? weight?

I’d run it for 8 weeks with a frontload.

x2 on the age request.

Also, make sure you are aware of detection times of all the drugs you are using and when you are going to be tested, if at all.

thanks for the feedback. im 5 9, 198 and ill be turning 25 during the cycle. this is my last year playing so i dont have to worry about getting tested.

also if i run it for 8 weeks should i run adex for 10 weeks instead of 12?