Physical Changes On TRT?

Hi all, not sure if this is an appropriate place to post this, but i found this a bit bizzare tbh. I’m 20 years old and since starting TRT my voice kept getting deeper, jaw got wider and more square, alot of hair on body than before. I’ve never had a deep voice, but now I get comments about how deep my voice is lol. These changes obviously happened over the past couple months and not overnight, but it’s strange because the changes aren’t subtle like it’s so obvious lol. Does that mean that I was low T for a very long period of time? Im 20 now, but I’ve always looked atleast 4 years younger than my age, except for when I jumped on TRT. Even looking back at some photos of me from a year ago I look VERY different. What do you all think? Anyone notice something similar?

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This deepening of your voice should have happened in your teens, 13-14 years old you should have notice it then. So it’s likely your testosterone failed to increase as a teenager. You may even notice a larger penis in the months or year to come.

Remind me if you had IGF-1 tested, this is a better indication of growth hormone.

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Sounds like you finally finished puberty. Seriously.

Im 46 and my voice got deeper, got more body hair, and filled out muscle wise. TRT helps you reach your genetic potential. If you were a late puberty bloomer, or it never finished, congrats. Other things may grow too.

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I got fuller muscles, a hairy body and I’m finally able to grow a full beard. The full beard is the most amazing to me since before it just looked like crap so I didn’t try to grow one for years.

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Thank you all for replying, that’s awesome. Now if only I could grow a bit taller lol, I’m around 5’8 right now but wouldn’t mind being 5’10 haha. I’m assuming T doesn’t really help with that.

I keep getting my hopes up about the facial hair growth and other benefits. We will see. I hope I haven’t got my hopes up too much. Trying to keep the perspective of it would be nice if those things happened but keeping the focus on just feeling better.