Anyone here have some phobias that often/sometimes get in the way of their lives? If so, what are they? How do you deal with them? And what steps are you taking to improve on it?
I’ll start with mine:
I have a serious phobia of elevators (I guess it could be considered claustrophobia). I can’t get in them, I can’t be around them, and can’t even think about them.
I’m not taking any steps to relieve the problem… But I’m certainly taking steps to avoid the problem (By literally taking the stairs).
Problem for me is sometimes places don’t have stairs to take…soooo I either bail on whatever I had to do, or suck it up and take the elevator while thinking of how terrible the 30 second ride will be.
I wrote this because I am the only one in my family that has any phobias, and often times, I get made fun of it by my brothers/cousins/uncle/father and even friends. My girlfriend is pretty understanding about the issue, but I can tell she is getting frustrated with the fear.
I was hoping I could find other people out there with other phobias, cause right now it seems to me that I’m the only one in the world with a phobia. Everyone I hang around seems to have little to no fear of anything, which makes me look like a “Pussy”, as my father likes to say.
Any insight would be great! I would love to hear about your guys’ phobias and issues.