1x14: deadlift 149 kg
3x12: high pull 69 kg
1x6: bentover row 69 kg
1x10, 2x8: front squat 99 kg
1x2: military press 83 kg
1x3: military press 79 kg
1x5: military press 75 kg
1x6: military press 69 kg
1x10: military press 59 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
1x12: plate lateral raise 5 kg
1x20: rear delt raise 5 kg
3x8: snatch grip deadlift 129 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10, 1x3, 1x2: pullup
2x10, 1x8: Zercher squat 123 kg
1x4: Zercher quarter-squat 169 kg
3x8: db floor press 42 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
1x12: deadlift 159 kg
3x12: high pull 69 kg
1x7: bentover row 69 kg
Thought I’d be feeling terrible today after a day off work yesterday. I ended up doing some jackhammering, hauling rubble in a wheelbarrow, pruning trees and cutting the branches into small pieces to bag them, and then hand-disassembling about 20 pomegranates. Woke up feeling totally fine, though.
3x10: front squat 99 kg
1x2: military press 83 kg
1x3: military press 79 kg
1x5: military press 75 kg
1x7: military press 69 kg
1x10: military press 59 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
1x12: plate lateral raise 5 kg
1x20: rear delt raise 5 kg
how has training been feeling lately?
Been feeling good, which means less joint pain than usual, and only in a few spots, heh. I’m not yet at the “it would be super cool if nothing hurt today” meme level of experience, fortunately.
It’s funny, having started lifting at 30 I have a lot less wear and tear than if I started when I “should” have in my late teens, and certainly a lot less aches and pains than people my age who don’t lift.
Anyway, today:
1x6: pause deadlift 169 kg
1x8: double pause deadlift 149 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10, 1x3, 1x2: pullup
1x10, 2x8: Zercher squat 123 kg
3x8: db floor press 42 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
1x12: deadlift 159 kg
3x12: high pull 69 kg
1x7: bentover row 69 kg
Deads felt easier than last week - then I barely locked out the last rep, today felt like I had two in the tank, one at the very least. I don’t think the difference is that I’m stronger today, but that I went no belt. At least on higher-rep deads like this, it’s easier and more comfortable for sure. I think I can lower the bar a bit faster, so I don’t get as tired, especially my grip.
3x10: front squat 99 kg
3x10: military press 63 kg
3x8: snatch grip deadlift 129 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10, 1x3, 1x2: pullup
2x10, 1x8: Zercher squat 123 kg
3x8: db floor press 42 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
3x12: high pull 69 kg
1x7: bentover row 69 kg
No question about it, for me right now deadlifts are more comfortable with no belt.
3x10: front squat 99 kg
3x10: military press 63 kg
1x6: double pause deadlift 159 kg
1x8: double pause deadlift 149 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10, 2x3: pullup
3x10: Zercher squat 123 kg
3x8: db floor press 42 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg
Getting that last squat rep wasn’t too bad, but walking it back over the sawhorses was a bit wobbly. Don’t think I could have done even one more.
1x1: deadlift 199 kg
1x3: deadlift 189 kg
2x16: pullup
Annnd then I lugged stuff upstairs, set up microphones, and did a whole bunch of light (up to I think 145 kg) deads with pauses at the bottom, to record picking up and putting down the weight. Pretty tiring tbh, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow, but I also want to record stuff on the sawhorses and the sound of plates clanging when one is added to the bar.
3x10: front squat 99 kg
3x10: military press 63 kg
And also did more recording this morning, which included something like 60 Zercher quarter-squats with various plate configurations. All done now, weights are back downstairs where they belong. Ate like a half a kilo of trout and pike roe to help with recovery.
3x8: snatch grip deadlift 129 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10. 2x3: pullup
Feeling OK after recovering yesterday from the previous two days’ excesses, just mildly achey in a few more spots than usual.
3x8: Zercher squat 123 kg
3x8: db floor press 42 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x12: military press 49 kg