People With No AI TRT Protocol, Share Your Labs

Looking at your labs, once again i see that SHBG doesn’t really effect FT as everyone think it does.
Your FT and E2 is amazing.

Your SHBG isn’t binding androgens very strongly, this is working to your advantage.

160 T Cyp split twice a week, .125 Adex W/ injection

Test: 977
FT: 21.1
E2: 34.7
SHBG: 29.8

Test undecanoate 250mg every two weeks for the past years, no AI used.
2 days prior to injection

T: 33.04 nmol (11-34.9)
SHBG 71.8 nmol/L (11.6-71)
Free T: 0.454 nmol/L
Oestradiol : 29
Prolactine: 12.9
Hematocrit always between 40 and 45

Range for FT?
You are using Nebido?

have to check the ranges when I’m at home. I know it was midrange
Yes, the ‘underground’ version cause specialists here in Belgium and TRT= no match ;-(

What were your shbg levels?