People With No AI TRT Protocol, Share Your Labs

I will start…

My protocol is 75mg Enanthate twice a week.
TT 9.80 ng/mL 2.49 - 8.36
FT total 27.84 pg/mL 5.4 - 40
SHBG 18.5
Albumin 4.3
Estradiol non-sensitive (E2) 66.53 pg/mL 11.3 - 43.2
Prolactin 15.7 ng/ml 4.04-15.2

I just can’t seem to increase my FT enough without excessive E2… Should i even care for it , not sure… At peak lab results E2 is around 83 pg/ml with TT 11.85 ng/ml.

How is everyone else handling their E2 and FT levels without AI usage?

Testosterone enanthate, 200mg, once weekly.
DHEA 50mg, every day.

TT 880-920 (250-1100)
FT 200-220 (35-155)
SHBG 19-21 (10-50)
E2 38-51 (<39 IA) 50-71 (<29 LC/MS/MS)

Do you feel E2 sides?

Very slighty sensitive nipples…That might also be from high prolactin no?
Feeling irritable and bitchy lately , although not sure if it’s high E2 related. Other than these not really. Though i just can’t seem to benefit from TRT(fatigue ,depression, being moody 24/7 etc).
I am just afraid that with all this conversion to E2 is blocking the benefits…

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I envy you… both your FT and your E2 :smile:
Those are trough and peak levels right?

It would seem you are converting a large portion of your FT->E2, what you need are daily injection to minimize this FT->E2 conversion process or a imagine you’ll be fighting high E2 symptoms.

Also note you are using the wrong E2 testing which has been known to show false elevation.

7mg daily protocol (49mg weekly)

TT 417 264-916 ng/dL
FT 15 pg/mL 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
E2 33 pg/mL <35 pg/mL
HCT 46%

20mg EOD protocol (80mg weekly) :

TT 496 264-916 ng/dL
FT 20 pg/mL 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
E2 53 pg/mL <35 pg/mL
HCT 48%

50mg twice weekly (100mg weekly):

697 ng/dL 264-916 ng/dL
FT 29 pg/mL 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
E2 70 pg/mL <35 pg/mL
HCT 50%

It is E2 related.

200mg T Cyp e5d got me to TT 1385, SHBG 14, e2 77 (non-sens) and I felt great, but did end up lowering my dose and going to EOD injections.

This was 185mg/week daily sub-q
(now on 200mg/week daily IM)
Likely not much different.
*was getting over a cold which is why white blood cells and the like are a little high

You asked for labs. In the voice of Crocodile Dundee “That’s not a lab, this is a lab”

Not that i have choice over here where i live… I wish we’ve had the sensitive test.

Thank you for the lab results.

So EOD 80mg vs twice a week 100mg… Looking at your E2 and your FT for both , it seems like twice a week or EOD did not make much of difference. I mean it looks like both E2 and FT increased according to dosage… Is it not?

Define “high” E2. You’re likely to run above range for a few reasons. First, anecdotally speaking, most guys seem to run higher on exogynous than endogynous t. I have no explanation other than because it’s synthetic so it’s really not exactly bio-identical. Second, a lot of guys have stored enzyme from being low T for a prolonged period, it takes a while to burn off the stored enzyme and for your body to acclimate to the new normal. It takes a while, be patient. My E2 was around there last time I checked it, no biggie.

You were feeling great , why the need? High HCT?

The FT and E2 numbers reflect not only the dosage, but also the injection frequency. I didn’t have any high E2 symptoms when injecting twice weekly even with estrogen at 70, because my levels were always in flux.

The moment I started injecting 20mg EOD, the estrogen sides were very noticeable at 53 pg/mL. This was the first time I experienced high estrogen symptoms, irritability and bitchness because now my levels were more steady and consistent.

My body almost completely ignores testosterone and estrogen when levels are fluctuating to much regardless of how high my levels are, the 50mg twice weekly felt like I was at 250 ng/dL, but was in fact at the top end of the ranges.

I also started having problems with mineral and vitamin deficiencies when keeping my levels more steady.

3x25 mg per week
TT 720 ref 283 - 967
E2 50 ref 16 - 50

switched to daily 5 weeks ago and had blood drawn today
TT 709 ref 283 - 967
E2 53 ref 16 - 50

switching back now as the daily injection didnt help to limit the conversion for me

Yeah , that’s what i call a proper reply.

Yes there is also the HCT issue where it scares me and putting me away from increasing my dose… It’s actually at 50.5% right now but higher dose means god now knows where it will end up. My RBC and Hemoglobin is also at the top of the range. Yours seem incredibly well despite much higher dose than me…

Such a relief , thanks. I will give it more time and hope i don’t get gyno along the way.
What would you say for my prolactin level? Should i take care of it or is it no biggie too?

Yes looks like it was even worse with daily inj.
How about your FT?

It doesn’t help the conversion it helps alleviate symptoms but I found for me it took 8 weeks to get there. At week 6 I thought (as you are now) that I had made a mistake as I didn’t feel better. If you are able to wait another couple weeks I think you’d feel quite a bit better than current.

If you don’t try you won’t know. There’s quite a bit of talk regarding HCT when on TRT and whether it truly is Polycythemia Vera (not good) or Erythrocytosis (not bad). Regardless, many folks start TRT with HCT in the high 40’s and don’t hit 54. I think you’ll be ok. Even if it does go really high and you aren’t comfortable there you can just lower the dose. TRT is trial and error and until you trial you don’t know how it will effect you.

Numbers are numbers. How you feel at those numbers is what gives the numbers significance. Of course giving it enough time is also important.

Are you doing anything for your prolactin?