[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
Beards were permitted for three of the four years I served; IMO…there was no impact on command effectiveness or moral.
I agree with you here. From what I understand, the new rules will only allow certain individuals to have a beard. [/quote]
And that doesn’t make much sense to me. Yet I don’t read the article as the omg end of times for the military. To me the article said the military has decided it may make some changes regarding the way it makes certain decisions. In those cases military people will decide what is appropriate and what is not appropriate.
I don’t see why this has to be a horrible thing at this point based off just the information I gave above. I don’t see the military as allowing me to serve with a giant top hat, gold cane, and a super soaker if I say those are relics of my religion and I must serve with them like some people seem to be suggesting. [/quote]
Look at it this way. You require your football players all to wear a shirt and tie on game days (to be uniform). Several mothers, who have never played a team sport, complain that it’s their kid doesn’t like/own a shirt and tie. So the athletic department tells you, the coach, to let the kids wear whatever they want. You tell the team, “If you get a note from you mother you don’t have to wear a shirt and tie.” So now you have some kids in short sleeves, some in long sleeves, some in shirt and tie, and the kids forced to wear shirt and tie are pissed at the other kids who’s mother complained. Not to mention, whether you mean to or not, you probably thing differently of certain kids now.
That’s not a perfect example (it’s not a good example really at all), but you see my point right? No matter how small you as the coach want to avoid any crack in team cohesion. You want your team to be one.
The only differnce between that and the military is that unit cohesion is much more important in the military. If 2 or 3 Marines don’t have to shave, but I have to shave everyday, including when I’m off duty, I’m going to probably resent those Marines. Some will take it beyond simple resentment and the command isn’t immune to it either.
My main issue is really boot camp. Drill Instructors already have a hard enough time instilling discipline and unit cohesion, now you’re adding yet another challenge.