PCT Help

So I’ve done a cycle of 10 weeks

100mg test a week
250-300mg tren a week

at week 8 I stopped the tren
and simply used the test i had left for 200mg for 2 more weeks.
(cause coming off tren is supposed to be ‘the worst’)

what is the best pct option for me? thanks in advance!

[quote]nattygains wrote:
So I’ve done a cycle of 10 weeks

100mg test a week
250-300mg tren a week

at week 8 I stopped the tren
and simply used the test i had left for 200mg for 2 more weeks.
(cause coming off tren is supposed to be ‘the worst’)

what is the best pct option for me? thanks in advance![/quote]

Nectar of the gods. Tren is a whore and she lets you know when she’s done with you. I get CNS overload, insomnia and urges to lift at all hours of the day and night for weeks on end, tendinitis, temperatures etc until my body can’t take anymore. I love every minute of it though. She shuts you down hard of course. Sorry to say but you’ll lose a lot of the strength gains and your metabolic system will return to norm so you’ll have trouble maintaining low bf and you’ll be depressed probably and have no energy for weeks while endogenous test production slowly starts up. But you have my respect for running Tren A first up and also for trying to run a PCT after instead of cruising. Good luck.

Man what great advice people give here.

I am starting my PCT today.

Clomid 150/100/100/50

overkill or not?

Latest research seems to suggest running lower doses of Clomid longer, is more effective than larger amounts for shorter periods. While I’m not expert, I think a 75,50,50,25,25 would suffice.