I inject bi-weekly a total of 750mg and I plan on running a 12 week cycle. I just recently moved to a nice place in europe ,originally from the US and the gear is legal here. Its a beautiful thing.
They dont have Clomid however Nolvadex is readily available.Nolva i will be taking daily as a precaution and as described:
weeks 1-8 10 mg 8-12 20 mg
I would greatly appreciate help with a PCT as I’ve searched the web and just gained nothing more but confusion. I would like to stick with Nolva during the PCT and would not really consider anything else.Thanks for the help as it is greatly appreciated .Maybe I could return a favor
Look at the “Test Taper Protocol” thread on this very page. You dont need anything but Test. If you have Nolva you can still use it as Prisoner explains.
“PS i take 500mg on tue and 250mg on sat , is that a problem.”
It’s not a “problem” but why not take the same dose for more stable blood levels?
Wold1187, forgive me for being a total fucking moron but it seems that I have read that thread several times before and after this post and still have slight confusion.
Please correct me .
I am under the impression that I do my cycle for 12 weeks then weeks 13-17 I taper using 100mg Test/E a week with Nolva wk1 80mg / wk2 60mg/wk3 50mg/wk4 40mg/wk5 30 mg/wk6 20mg.
KOartist ,I cant get HCG in Euro pharmacies ,its not abailable . Only enanthate,provirin ,Nolva,and femara but femara is crazy expensive…
Again , anyone who can further aid me in this matter I would greatly appreciate it!Thanks and i apologize for my fuckin ignorance.
i dont want to keep a loaded syringe in the house after extracting 1 1/2 amps .Or leave an open half filled amp in the house for a few days. Any ideas?
i could throw away the half amp but there are people in other countries that are bones and have to pay an arm and a leg for gear
eurotest your understanding of the taper/pct is ok. Many say Nolva is optional with a good test taper. If you do choose to use it start at about 40mg ED cut it by 10mg a week till you are at zero by the fifth week.
[quote]eurotest wrote:
diana d-bol dont take your shriveled testis anger out on me, I am capable of reseaching it on my own as I continue to do so daily.
However, everyone has a different opinion.Especially the thread scientists. Some say hcg others say no ,some say armidex others say no .
I just want to figure out an appropriate test taper for my cycle. Ive read the thread on the pct test taper.
I have given up on help from others on this tread.What a shame.
Wow, what the hell happened to our forum the past few months? Shit like this is really getting old. You've "given up on help from others.."...Really?
Ok, good.
[quote]eurotest wrote:
diana d-bol dont take your shriveled testis anger out on me, I am capable of reseaching it on my own as I continue to do so daily.
However, everyone has a different opinion.Especially the thread scientists. Some say hcg others say no ,some say armidex others say no .
I just want to figure out an appropriate test taper for my cycle. Ive read the thread on the pct test taper.
I have given up on help from others on this tread.What a shame.