PCT for Coming Off of TRT

My doctor has prescribed me 50 mg of Clomid for 5 days per week for 12 weeks and .5 mg of Anastrozole EOD for the same amount of time. The AI seems very high to me. Does this seem right?

No, it doesn’t. Take the AI as needed.

Your clomid dosing is too high, 25mg EOD or 50 EOD is more reasonable and should reduce the side effects. Clomid treatment often fails because the dosing is too excessive forcing men to stop treatment early on.

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@systemlord Your clomid dosing is too high, 25mg EOD or 50 EOD is more reasonable and should reduce the side effects. Clomid treatment often fails because the dosing is too excessive forcing men to stop treatment early on.

Thank you… I’ll give it a whirl!

How did it go? You come off ok?