Paper Issues

I hope I am not out of line with this post, but curiosity got the better of me.

If there are companies supplying AAS using paper delivery (i assume it is compound between two layers of paper,with some soaking into paper)…

then why is this not used for other chemicals? (other than LSD)

I hope this is not stirring sh%t but why wouldn’t the same method be used for something like mdma which would only require 100-120mg per square? Is it to do with molecular weight and therefore size of compound? If paper eliminates the need for binders and fillers, wouldn’t it do the same for ecstacy tabs too?

Again, I apologise if this is out of line for T-Nation…but didn’t teacher always say ‘there is no such thing as a stupid question’?

The Bastardboy

It is theoritically possible, but I don 't know of any sources.

The reason you haven’t seen stuff like you mentioned done this way is that in most cases the source country has banned the recreational drug as well.

LSD is likely to be banned in most countries so american authorities would have some local cooperation when dealing with the issue.

With gear it is another situation. Most countries find the restrictions in the US, Canada, and Australia baffling and kind of stupid. So they don’t restrict steriods as much and bascially refuse to cooperate with US authorities in chasing what they precieve as basically harmless drugs.

[quote]fatsuperman wrote:
It is theoritically possible, but I don 't know of any sources.

The reason you haven’t seen stuff like you mentioned done this way is that in most cases the source country has banned the recreational drug as well.

LSD is likely to be banned in most countries so american authorities would have some local cooperation when dealing with the issue.

With gear it is another situation. Most countries find the restrictions in the US, Canada, and Australia baffling and kind of stupid. So they don’t restrict steriods as much and bascially refuse to cooperate with US authorities in chasing what they precieve as basically harmless drugs.


So are you saying that if other countries had tighter laws re:steroids then they would not send to Aus, US, Canada etc on moral/legal grounds? Or is it the fact the US, Canada, Aus can’t do sh&t about a website and company in a foreign country shipping out steroids(even when they know who they are and what they are doing) cos not illegal in source country…and, using this same logic, if there were a country that did allow certain recreational drugs, the same scenario could be played out??? Interesting…

I am also guessing there are a lot more dogs sniffing parcels for amphetamines etc then for gear…

Do the foreign labs explain HOW they make the paper product? Is it any special technique or it is it really quite simple?

I am no Pablo Escobar but it certainly raises some interesting issues.

Thanks, all opinions and thoughts invited.

The Bastardboy


basically steriods aren’t a big issue in a lot of source countries, and the local authorities don’t assist the US and friends in interdiction.

I don’t think it is dogs that are used in the customs offices. I think it is random searches and xray machines.

In countries like Austrailia it is 100% search which really makes it tough!

Another factor in this is that even the US DEA, isn’t real keen on spending its time stopping gear. It does so out of political pressure. They know that Meth and Roids have two different kind of end users. No one is giving blow jobs for a hit of Test E. The US DEA didn’t even want steriods listed as controlled substances.

The countries that technically allow recreational drugs to be used legally are few. I imagine packages from those countries are VERY tightly inspected when they enter the US.

As far as the manufacture of paper, I only know of two paper oral guys. Both basically sandwich there powder between two paper sheets. The bonding seems to be a little different between the two products.