[quote]masterblaster wrote:
Wow…paper anabolics huh?? How the heck do you administer, eat the paper, suck the juice out of it??? Someone please explain, I’m curious…Cy?? Anyone with knowledge…thanks!
Well, I did a Goggle and learned about this stuff…interesting…are they safe for those who wish to use? By safe I mean are they real anabolics or do you receive paper plain or paper soaked in some weird substance and that’s it? It kinda scary…reminds me of the old school LSD paper squares back in the 1970s.
It looks like cardboard, actually…very thin(ish) cardboard.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Are you asking real questions here???
Of course they are ‘real’ anabolics. Thats why they have an excellent rep and sponsor several boards.
Yes you recieve paper soaked in a ‘wierd substance’ - steroids. The paper will be either marked or perforated into measured doses.
Maybe you had too much truck with LSD back in the day, but as a concept, paper anabolics is not difficult to get your head around…
Not really correct here…they aren’t “soaked” in steroids, but rather the chemical powder is sprayed onto a layer of cardboard (paper, I suppose), and then allowed to dry after another piece is placed over the top. So what you have is a thing that looks like piece of thick paper, I guess. Kind of more like very thick construction paper, thicker than the cover of a magazine, actually.
And they aren’t perforated, either…never have been. They are marked off into equi-sized rectangles, and you cut along the lines with a razor or sizzor, and then you have your 100 doses per sheet.
[quote]masterblaster wrote:
Hey bushy:
Easy there Bonehead…I am not into the roid thing and I have enough sense in my head to approach these things carefully and with caution.
Have you tried these paper anabolics?? If so how do you know you weren’t sucking on piss soaked paper?? And why can’t you just relay your expeiences with out being so touchy…perhaps you’ve had too much piss soaked paper huh or you just don’t ahve anything intellignet to say? Lay off…
I’ve used them, and they work. I doubt he has experience with paper anabolics (he seems not to know what they look like), so he’s probably doing his best to relay “information” he’s gathered “elsewhere”… ;^)>
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Again, sorry. Your comments still seem retarded but I will in future refrain from replying to any of your posts.
They seem to be a bit defensive, on both parts, with more flames and insults than real information being produced or discussed. JMHO.