Mission Statement:
To have the biggest, strongest body possible. To grow beyond all expectations. To smile when people say ’ don’t get any bigger’ and know I’m on my way.
No one in my family have done this. There are olympic level athletes, gold medal winners at endurance events. There are national level wrestlers and boxers. No man in my family has, to my knowledge, tested his abilities to grow, challenged his body day after day under heavy loads of iron, forcing it to grow bigger to overcome.
It’s always been in me, the desire to be strong and huge, but it has hidden behind the desire to be liked, the desire to ‘look good’ and be lean.
No more.
The beast has awoken, and he is reaching for metal and meat.
OTS Big Beyond Belief.
First time around, got into day 1 of the second ramp, then got sick.trained at home, too little quipment, too little food.
Second time around, got the Swine Flu after the first two weeks. Lost 7 kg in two days.
Third time: Done weeks 1-3, no problems, now on week 2 of supergrowth, and I’m up 6 kg from 5 weeks ago, with strength increasing on all lifts.I started at 90 kgs, and now I’m anywhere between 96 and 100 kg.I’ve been getting 4000+ calories each day and having a carb-up meal on Wednesday and Sunday, all protein and fat on other days.
So, here goes:
Workout 5 of Training Phase 1:
Offset Grip DB Curls
I’ll change these to EZ, Bar or hammer curls next workout, since form goes to shit whenever I do low rep DB curls.
Incline Benchpress
Slight pain in the back of the left delotid, or discomfort rather. Did some 50 and 80 kg BB rows with wide grip between sets, which seemed to help.
Standing Calf Raise