Does anyone know any over the counter drugs that can give you energy if you take alot of them, for like a hockey game or football, I heard Sudafed Cold and Sinus gives you a jolt. But I wanted to know if anyone knew of anything better.
If not I look like some druggie lookin for a new fix.
[quote]DevilFball wrote:
Does anyone know any over the counter drugs that can give you energy if you take alot of them, for like a hockey game or football, I heard Sudafed Cold and Sinus gives you a jolt. But I wanted to know if anyone knew of anything better.
If not I look like some druggie lookin for a new fix.
Why on earth would you want to buy medication like that and use it incorrectly to give you an energy buzz? Besides go into a store and try to buy a lot of Sudafed and see if the narcs aren’t going to be asking you some questions.
I suggest you go into the T-Nation store here on this site and read up on Spike and Power Drive. They are what you are looking for and safe and legal.
Dude you’ll burn out on the cold medicine, I would stay away from that for sports. If you are going the OTC drug route why not just do a line of coke? It will give you your “buzz” and you would be messing yourself up either way.
Why use cold meds? Is it you don’t have time to get some Spike in the mail maybe? (just a thought) If your looking for OTC, you can actually buy Spike over the counter @ a local Super Wal-mart.
[quote]budlight1 wrote:
keaster wrote:
Try the new Spike.
Or take speed
Your choice
ill take the speed, acctually im taking ergolean amp which feels like cocaine without the bad come-down.[/quote]
Cocaine without the comedown?? If that were the case, there would be a two year back order on that stuff. It may be a nice lift, but nothing is that good without undesirable consequences.
[quote]DevilFball wrote:
Does anyone know any over the counter drugs that can give you energy if you take alot of them, for like a hockey game or football, I heard Sudafed Cold and Sinus gives you a jolt. But I wanted to know if anyone knew of anything better.
If not I look like some druggie lookin for a new fix.
You have to buy 3 things first. Gonna cost you less than 20 bucks. Buy Spike, coffee and chocolate milk.
Sleep 8 hrs.
Eat Breakfast.
Have small carb/protein meal hour or so before game.
Pop one Spike 45 min prior to game, then 1 cup of coffee 5 min prior to game.
I used to take ephedra, oxycotin, albuterol, and a red bull before games. That was before I discovered Spike. I say take 2 Spike and find a friend with an asthma puffer.