Congratulations to the US Forces and our Navy Seals! Obama got this right!
[quote]claybear wrote:
Okay? Now someone younger and more vicious will probably take over Al Queda and make them more evil than they already were.It’s good news that he’s dead but the actual effects of this will be purely symbolic in my opinion.[/quote]
Bin Laden had very little control over the loosely affiliated groups that the West call ‘Al Qaeda’ since the Iraqi insurgency began. He was more of a ‘spiritual leader’ in the eyes of Wahabist sickies.
Someone more vicious? Are you fucking serious? How could Al Qaeda possibly get ‘more vicious’?
It does appear that the raid was carried out on Bin Laden’s compound by a Navy Seal Team.
Their professionalism and mystique continues…
Congratulations to our men and women in uniform.
Spartiates said:
No. Actually let’s give him an honour guard escort and a burial in an Islamic cemetery with a 21 gun salute. What’s with the ‘really’ shit?
It’s fucking crazy here in DC. I’m in Arlington right now and there’s helicopters and cops all over the place. My buddy who is a DC cop says they are calling in law enforcement from other states for back up and heightened security because they anticipate retaliation.
It’s about time they killed that mutherfucker though!
That is my main concern AC.
These fuckers play for keeps. Heads up my man, break a mother fucker off somethin’ proper if needed.
I have a lot of friends over there in the service. My son is a new Marine.
Finally, that job is done.
[quote]Chushin wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
Now transport his body back to the US and tie his body along with a swine carcass by a length of rope to the bumper of a NY City Taxi Cab and drag his lifeless body around the streets of lower Manhattan.[/quote]
‘Took custody of his body’? WTF you been smoking Obama? How about dismember it on video and send it to Al Jazeera as a ‘message to the Muslim world’ you dumb fuck?[/quote]
No. Actually let’s give him an honour guard escort and a burial in an Islamic cemetery with a 21 gun salute. What’s with the ‘really’ shit?[/quote]
That doesn’t sound too far from what I heard CNN say is planned…[/quote]
How much you wanna bet Obama hands his cadaver over to the Saudis/Pakis for an Islamic funeral and burial?
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]Chushin wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
Now transport his body back to the US and tie his body along with a swine carcass by a length of rope to the bumper of a NY City Taxi Cab and drag his lifeless body around the streets of lower Manhattan.[/quote]
‘Took custody of his body’? WTF you been smoking Obama? How about dismember it on video and send it to Al Jazeera as a ‘message to the Muslim world’ you dumb fuck?[/quote]
No. Actually let’s give him an honour guard escort and a burial in an Islamic cemetery with a 21 gun salute. What’s with the ‘really’ shit?[/quote]
That doesn’t sound too far from what I heard CNN say is planned…[/quote]
How much you wanna bet Obama hands his cadaver over to the Saudis/Pakis for an Islamic funeral and burial?[/quote]
I would bet you, but I don’t feel like losing.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
That is my main concern AC.
These fuckers play for keeps. Heads up my man, break a mother fucker off somethin’ proper if needed. [/quote]
Fo Sho!
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]Chushin wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]SexMachine wrote:
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
Now transport his body back to the US and tie his body along with a swine carcass by a length of rope to the bumper of a NY City Taxi Cab and drag his lifeless body around the streets of lower Manhattan.[/quote]
‘Took custody of his body’? WTF you been smoking Obama? How about dismember it on video and send it to Al Jazeera as a ‘message to the Muslim world’ you dumb fuck?[/quote]
No. Actually let’s give him an honour guard escort and a burial in an Islamic cemetery with a 21 gun salute. What’s with the ‘really’ shit?[/quote]
That doesn’t sound too far from what I heard CNN say is planned…[/quote]
How much you wanna bet Obama hands his cadaver over to the Saudis/Pakis for an Islamic funeral and burial?[/quote]
Man, FUCK that shit! They need to butcher him up like a pig and send his pieces over there in vat of pig blood and piss. Put his head on pike in front of the Capital building.
They should do whatever they have to to dishonor his body and deny him a “decent” Muslim burial. Take a play out or THEIR fucking playbook and film it and send a copy to AlJazeera.
That’ll speak to those animals in a language they can understand…
Sent in a small team and took him out like it should have been done all along.
Its about dang time! Finally! But in order to be politically correct and accomidating to all nations, America will have to adhere to Islam burial techniques.
[quote]FrozenNinja wrote:
Its about dang time! Finally! But in order to be politically correct and accomidating to all nations, America will have to adhere to Islam burial techniques.[/quote]
Fuck that, Parade his body around the streets of New York.
[quote]smh23 wrote:
Well done to the men and women of the US fighting forces. lol at sexmachine’s attempt to fling some partisan mud around.[/quote]
How many ‘well done Obama’ posts have we got so far? How hard is it to give the green light?
OIC: We’ve found the SOB.
Obama: Go ahead.
Well done Obama! Yay!
Notice Obama has used the first person singular personal pronoun four times in 40 seconds?
‘I directed Leon Panetta…’, ‘I was briefed on a lead to Bin Laden’, ‘I met repeatedly with my National Security team’, ‘I determined we had enough intelligence’
and also
‘Today at my direction’
Obama’s pumping this one for everything it’s worth and so are his supporters. Well done US Special Forces.
[quote]Chushin wrote:
[quote]John S. wrote:
[quote]FrozenNinja wrote:
Its about dang time! Finally! But in order to be politically correct and accomidating to all nations, America will have to adhere to Islam burial techniques.[/quote]
Fuck that, Parade his body around the streets of New York.[/quote]
Nah, the White House has already said the body will be treated in accordance with Islamic rules…[/quote]
People don’t know how to celebrate anymore. Can’t we at least throw a piece of bacon in the grave?