Osama Bin Laden Dead

Wow I feel proud about this right now. I can’t even describe the feeling.


How will this change shit in the Middle East? A new leader takes over, and then what? Great we killed him, but now what?

it’s confirmed, Charlie Sheen and Bin Laden were partying, Bin Laden lost

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
How will this change shit in the Middle East? A new leader takes over, and then what? Great we killed him, but now what?[/quote]

agreed, gives people a sliver of hope, but what you said is still true

They say he was hiding in a Mansion in Pakistan. What. the. Fuck. If the rumor is true that the Pakis were hiding him,what should be done about them?

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
Transport his body to the U.S., tie him and the carcass of a swine with a 20 foot length of rope to the bumper of a New York Taxi Cab and drag his dead lifeless body through the streets of lower Manhattan and broadcast the scene live to the world. [/quote]

Agreed - this chimp had to be killed. Now let’s bring all our troops back from all these stupid fucking countries where we have no business and the medieval monkeys there don’t appreciate our presence.

For every action there is a reaction. The more we stick our dicks in the business of these mid-east psychotics the more it will come back to haunt us.

Just my opinion but I think we’re gonna see some scary shit, ala Beslan massacre, happening right here. The troops should be protecting US and not the clowns across the planet.

Gosh I really hope the body is treated with dignity. Not for him. He deserves nothing. For us. For our honor.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
How will this change shit in the Middle East? A new leader takes over, and then what? Great we killed him, but now what?[/quote]

Based on the demonstrations and the call for freedom from ‘the people’ in the area…

Not much short term, but it is just another step in the right direction, the direction where people are free to live there lives as they should be allowed to.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Great we killed him[/quote]

Dude. Just leave it at that for now. Justice got served. Fuck the what-if’s.

[quote]saveski wrote:
Good - and then let’s bring all our troops back from all these stupid fucking countries where we have no business and the medieval monkeys there don’t appreciate our presence.

For every action there is a reaction. The more we stick our dicks in the business of these mid-east psychotics the more it will come back to haunt us.

Just my opinion but I think we’re gonna see some scary shit, ala Beslan massacre, happening right here. The troops should be protecting US and not the clowns across the planet.

Stay classy champ.

Holy shit.

FYI for the non-Americans that read this, we are not all ass ignorant as this.


The pessimist in me wonders if this is 100% legit.

Let’s see the body.

Holy shit, Obama just described a god damn Rambo movie.

They took him down Hollywood battle scene style.

They should drag that fucker’s body from the back of a '73 Pontiac Grand Prix right down the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, broadcast on Al Jazeera, of course. Then they should have a par-per-view event where they incinerate that fucker’s body in a big vat of pig oil.

[quote]QuadasarusFlex wrote:
They say he was hiding in a Mansion in Pakistan. What. the. Fuck. If the rumor is true that the Pakis were hiding him,what should be done about them?[/quote]

Turn the whole country into a bunch of Christmas ornaments.

Such a great day!

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
How will this change shit in the Middle East? A new leader takes over, and then what? Great we killed him, but now what?[/quote]

Bin Laden has been a figurehead and recruiter for the ‘terrorist’ cause for so long, his ability to incite response from his people/followers through his speeches was something that had never existed in those people at that level before.

He was more than just some face of the enemy.

[quote]red04 wrote:

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
How will this change shit in the Middle East? A new leader takes over, and then what? Great we killed him, but now what?[/quote]

Bin Laden has been a figurehead and recruiter for the ‘terrorist’ cause for so long, his ability to incite response from his people/followers through his speeches was something that had never existed in those people at that level before.

He was more than just some face of the enemy.[/quote]

The sheep scatter when you strike down the shepherd.

I am so glad that we killed him. That WE killed him. I fully expected that fucker would crawl off and die alone in some cave and we would never know.

[quote]DBCooper wrote:
They should drag that fucker’s body from the back of a '73 Pontiac Grand Prix right down the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, broadcast on Al Jazeera, of course. Then they should have a par-per-view event where they incinerate that fucker’s body in a big vat of pig oil.[/quote]

This pay per view programming may be able to wipe out the deficit…you’re on to something DBcooper.