Not sure if this is the best category for my questions. Please advise if not.
I currently am 55 yo, weigh 262lbs, approximately 20% bf. I am on Dr. supervised TRT. 100mg T cyp with 50 mg deca twice per week. (Deca for joints.)
My total T levels sit in 650-700 range.
I have some old stock (pre ban, from 2013 per bottle labels) EST Hemadrol (50 mg capsules) and original Methyl Mass (with original Propadrol (20 mg per serving). I had purchase these years ago to cycle as a stack. Back then I had found all dosage recommendations and tons of info on both products. I am currently finding lots but limited info on the Hemadrol but nothing on the propadrol.
I am curious about running this on top of my TRT. Am not concerned with shutdown as I already am, but am concerned about liver. I have never run a cycle of any steroids other than my TRT and have never cycled any pro hormones other than a pulse cycle of Methyl E, and a pulse cycle of Superdrol. I have worked out many years and continue to do so.
Can someone help me find or give me info on viability of this currently along with possible dosing/ cycle length?