Ordering Online

So I’ve lurked around here for quite a while, never bothered making an account though.

I’ve seen some old posts about ordering online from UGL’s, but I didn’t want to hijack a 5-year-old thread… so I have a few questions and was hoping you guys could help.

I’m about to buy online from an international UGL for the first time (I’m in the USA).

  • How small do the order/s need to be to avoid “intent to distribute?” I’m getting like 8 or 9 ampoules total, plus packs of nolva/clomid… so should I split it into 2 or 3 separate orders?
  • Should I get a PO Box and ship it there? I’ve read that this can help avoid any kind of sting operation, as they can’t anticipate when you’ll pick up the package.

Can you think of other concerns that we can address regarding ordering online?
(Also, please don’t comment with “You should just find a local source bro, find someone at your gym.” Way easier said than done)


Stop being scared and just order. Chinease holiday is going on so youre gonna be waiting a while. Theres always domestic and thats all im gonna say about that.

Fair enough.

At most youll get a customs letter. Literally millions of people order illegal things from the internet daily.

Don’t bother with a PO box, from what I hear* you may be required to sign for the package and the post office won’t, which means your stuff gets returned and you are out the money.

Just use your own address.

Ya know, there are plenty of domestic UGL’s, you just need to spend a little more time looking. There are a few good open international sources, but domestic ordering is all around easier, IMO.

Of course, that’s what I’ve read on the internet…

Just a heads up, the best labs and providers don’t have websites. Only secure e-mails. And the REALLY good providers require a reference and some info before putting their business at risk. But by all means I am sure there is plenty middle of the mall gear out there these days that I don’t know about

I’ve made a few orders online. Always go domestic why risk not getting your order because it has to clear customs. Do a shit ton of research about the website make a smaller order first to make sure your not ordering a bunch of bunk gear. And seriously man talk to anyone whos a litte bit bigger then the average guy in your gym and I bet he’s a potential source lol and you’d be surprised the amount of average looking pieces of shit that can hook you up. Of course you’ll pay up The ass for it but hey that’s the way she goes. You said you didn’t want to hear it but its the truth.