Hey bros – new around here, but thanks for having me on!
I would really appreciate any help, opinions, or advise from experienced users on this issue.
(Background Info)
Age - 25
Height - 6’1
Weight - 190
BodyFat - 12%
Experience - 3 Years
This is to be my first cycle with ‘real’ steroids, however I have used PHs such as H-drol and M-drol in the past.
Weeks 1-12: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk (Pinning 250mg twice a week Mon/Thurs)
Weeks 1-4: Dianabol 25mg/ED (Taken 1hr Prior to Workout)
Weeks 1-13*: HCG 500iu/wk (Pinning 250iu twice a week Mon/Thurs)
Weeks 1-13: Arimidex .5mg ED
Weeks 1-13: Avodart (Dutasteride) .5mg ED
Weeks 14-17: Clomid 100/100/50/50
Weeks 14-17: Nolvad 40/40/20/20
*Creatine and Natty Test Booster
Essentially I am running Test-E at 500mg/wk split into two doses a week for 12 weeks, which will be kicked off by four weeks of Dbol 25mg taken every day one hour before working out.
To battle sides on cycle I plan to use the HCG 500iu/wk pinned 2x/week, Arimidex .5mg ED, and Avodart .5mg ED for hair loss.
*I plan to use the HCG in week 13, last HCG dose will be 5 days prior to my 4 week PCT (Weeks 14-17)
My PCT will be a 4 week combo of Clomid and Nolva 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 respectively.
My Questions:
What would be a better AI for this cycle, Arimidex or Aromasin? What would be the best dosage of this AI? Why?
I understand DBol is widely considered to be most effective when blood plasma levels are consistent, or when the Dbol is spread out effectively throughout the day, however, I have also encountered many that swear by taking it in a single dose before working out. I think I will do it prior to my workout because I believe it will be less stressful on the liver to only have to deal with it for 5-6 hours a day rather than throughout the day. Thoughts?
Is HCG 500iu/wk split between two 250iu doses enough to keep me from avoiding full natural test production shutdown?
Those are just some questions I had from the top of my head. Please, please, please provide insight, opinions, and advise on this first cycle preparation. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks –