ok so i am cruising around a popular online classifieds tonight, and come across this ad. you know the kind, you see them all the time basically for Viagra and cialis. so i jokingly send an email that says, what else do you have? 5 minutes later an email comes back with an entire list of steroids, as seen below:
We also have the following:
T500 ULTRA blend 500mg/ml
Test Enanthate ULTRA 300mg/ml
Test Propionate ULTRA 150mg/ml
Testosterone cypionate ULTRA 200mg/ml
Nandrolone deconate(deca)ULTRA 400mg/ml
Tren Enanthate ULTRA 200mg/ml
Trenbolone acetate ULTRA 100mg/ml
Boldenone undecylnate(EQ)ULTRA 400mg/ml
Teston 250(110mg test,100 TC,40 tp) 250mg/ml
Masteron enanthate ULTRA 200mg/ml
Primot Depot ULTRA 150mg/ml
Test Suspension ULTRA 100mg/ml
Winny Suspension ULTRA 100mg/ml
HCG 5,000iu
Lr3-IGF1 1mg vial (no acetic acid)
PEG MGF 2mg vial
Melatonan II 10mg vial
GHRp-6 5mg vial
HEXARELIN 2mg vial
HGH blue tops 2.3/iu
100 Count Bottled/Sealed/Labeled!
(except where noted)
Superdrol 10mg
Halotestin 10mg
Furazabol 10mg
10mg D-bol
10mg Winstrol
10mg Anavar
10mg Oral turinabol
50mg Anadrol(50tabs)
25mg Winstrol
25mg D-bol
25mg Proviron
100 Count Bottled/Sealed/Labeled!
(except where noted)
T4 100mcg 100tabs
Clenbuterol 50mcg 100tabs
T3 50mcg 100tabs
15mg Nolva
Clomid 25mg (50tabs)
Arimidex 1mg tabs 50tabs
Letrozole 2.5mg 50tabs
35mg Cialis (50tabs)
100mg Viagra (50 tab)
superFLY Cialis30/Viagra55 (50tab)
Vardenafil (levitra)10mg (50tab)
Albuterol Sulfate 2mg
Isotretinoin(accutane) 20mg
Modafinil(provigil) 200mg (50tabs)
Meridia 10mg
Yombine HCL 2.5mg
should something like this be trusted?!? does anyone have experience with a source like this?
Sounds sketchy. What you can do is do a source check on their email with a moderator at one of the big steroid forums. Way to risky if you don’t know for sure they are legit.
[quote]T234 wrote:
Sounds sketchy. What you can do is do a source check on their email with a moderator at one of the big steroid forums. Way to risky if you don’t know for sure they are legit. [/quote]
its just some guys name, its not a company email…no idea what to think
i just sent him an email asking to prove hes legit. he said to check his paypal history and gave another email address.
i just sent him an email asking to prove hes legit. he said to check his paypal history and gave another email address.[/quote]
the paypal account has good feedback, but the address is like discountsoftware… something just isn’t right
I’ve never heard of a source taking money through paypal lol. They also usually make their email address pretty easy to see. It should be a secure address like something@hushmail.com. Unless he has really good prices, just try and find another source. And if he does have really good prices then hes even more likely to be fake.
PharmRXL and Rhino are legit labs. I’m not sure about the " Ultra " products. But the guy who produces and sells RXL doesn’t accept Paypal, nor would he have anything buy a secure e-mail account. Now, that’s not to say that he doesn’t buy from those labs and then re-sell the goods. I’d ask him to provide a list of references.
You could also ask him if that T500 is painless.
i’d hate to loose money on something like that. there are a ton of reliable sources with good prices and great gear. PM me and i can steer you in a good direction without any worries about getting scammed.
i myself was scammed a few yearzs back not once but twice in a row! man, it just sucks. now i use only safe and proven sources. it’s too risky not to do so. just do your research and go with your gut feeling. if it seems sketchy, don’t do it. unless you have money and time to burn…