Calgary Festival of Strength Write Up
I’ve been experimenting with if this week using a 16/8 fasting period because I just don’t have time to get up in the morning to eat. I feel training has gone extremely well over the past 12 weeks although I think I pushed to hard leading up to the meet. Personally I would have decreased working sets by 5%. I haven’t really slept over the past couple of days because of projects due and the meet all coinciding with each other hopefully with a good sleep tonight everything will fall into place and ill qualify for geared nationals.
Felt good getting to the meet. I got there extremely early which I like to be way early just to calm myself down and get into the meet
Attempt 1:175kg(2.5kg PR)
Felt heavy unracking it. Walked it out nice and strong. Took it down how I like to. 3 Whites
Attempt 2:192.5kg (20kg Meet PR)
Felt Heavy Unracking it. Little bit shakey on the way out squatted it slower than I had wanted, but still 3 Whites.
Attempt 3: 202.5kg (30 kg PR)
Heavy Unrack. Took too many steps on walk out than I would have liked. Slowis. Hit a sticking point half way through pushed through it. 3 Whites
Squats Overall went EXTREMELY well. I felt like I was mentally prepared for each of the attempts and the cards were delt very well for me today. I couldn’t have been happier.
Attempt 1: 120kg (ties meet PR)
It was a fucking Joke. I took it as a last warm up. 3 Whites
Attempt 2:132.5kg (12.5kg PR)
Good tightness on the bench. Came down good and easy and up the same way. 3 Whites
Attempt 3: 140kg (20kg PR)
This is what I have been training for the past 12 Weeks I wanted that 300lb bench. I had missed 305 not even three weeks prior, but 2 attempt felt good so I went for it. My tightness on the bench fucking sucked should reracked it, but went ahead anyways. Came down good and easy, pause felt like for ever. Came up stalled right before lock out made it. 3 Whites
Overall the bench went extremely well, the only complaint I had was that the pauses were not consistent, but that could just be me.
Attempt 1: 190kg(ties Meet PR)
Easy as hell. 3 Whites
Attempt 2: 205kg (15kg PR)
Slower than I thought it would have went up. Not really any sticking points just a harder pull than it should have been. 3 Whites
Full RedBull
Attempt 3:220kg(30kg PR)
Pulled the FUCK out of it. Felt like a fishing pole still made the fucker. 3 Whites.
Happy with my deadlift performance I was surprised I wasn’t the weakest puller considering I’m am totalally not build for pulling.
Total:562.5kg (80kg Pr)
Everything was in the cards today. I went 9/9 and I didn’t leave nothing on the platform which I was happy about. Nice to know I didn’t let my ego get in the way of my lifting. Good to see some familiar faces and some new ones. Found a group to train with that will be starting up in the fall so i have that to look forward to. Overall I think the judging was fair even though the pauses were possibly unfair but thats the game. I’m not sure whats next whether it will be geared or Classic Nationals. I find it funny that me and ramzy were both pretty spot on my total about 8-12 Weeks ago.