On Androgel, Want to Add Test - Which Ester & How Much?

Hey all

I take x3 pumps of Androgel / day as prescribed by my doc for low T levels. I want to self administer and inject more test. I also started Var (50mg per day).

Which ester should I got for - Test-e perhaps? How much to inject and how frequently?

I need 6 monthly labs done with my doc, so I would plan to stop injections and var maybe 3 weeks prior to blood tests/labs so that no red flags are raised and that my doc can continue to write an Rx for androgel.

Is this a reasonable plan?

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Interesting. How long do you plan to use the Var? After your ā€œblastā€ you then plan to defer back to the Androgel for your cruise, until the next blast? What are your T levels on just the Androgel?

Ester is mostly irrelevant. Cyp or Enth