[quote]Magarhe wrote:
Here’s a tip: put some of your money into oil stocks/futures. Then when it goes up, you get richer, and can afford to buy some for your car. That’s what everyone is doing and getting richer and richer (and no doubt, your very own president is making a killing too. What WAS his background?).[/quote]
Oil futures? What future??
It would be a better long-term, even short-term, strategy to invest in sustainable energy. By definition, we will one day all be using sustainable/renewable energy.
Once all the stored energy is used up, all you’re left with is today’s energy, to be used today… aka solar and wind (which is actually solar itself, the sun heating the air).
Oh, you could put some plants in the ground for biofuels, but then you’ve got to wait. Meanwhile, demand outstrips capacity, and solar energy is being wasted on the plant’s lifecycle.
Silly humans, the sun is the source of all energy/matter on Earth. It’s most efficient to go to it direct.
In one year, more solar energy hits the planet than the energy of all the oil ever used plus all the oil still to be pumped plus all the oil projected to yet be discovered. This is a fact.
The United States has been referred to as “the Saudi Arabia of wind power” due to the Great Plains region, and could easily generate all necessary energy by exploiting this strength, still having some to sell for export. This is a fact.
On distributed, clean energy systems based on solar, wind, etc. corporations and government toadies and other rich fucking pigs cannot kill people and steal their oil and fix prices and get richer and bleed us all stupid, while we choke ourselves and burn our skins off to the death with carbon emissions. This is a fact.
The same thing could happen on nuclear energy, as uranium is not dispersed evenly throughout the globe and nuclear power plants emit radiation even under normal operating conditions to pollute our bodies/environment. We’d just have green clouds next to the gray, with Canada and Australia raided for fuel instead of the Middle East.
Geothermal and water-gravity, while good clean fun, are already tapped out. Only 2% of US rivers have yet to be dammed. Of the three effective US geothermal sites, 2 are tapped and the other is a national park. Other countries are in the same situation.
Solar and wind are the future for everyone. This is a fact.
I heard of a factory here in the US which makes solar panels. Germany promises 40% sustainable energy economy by 2020. Germany bought the entire production line of solar panels from this company, for the next five years! Sheeit, you wanna talk about investment, one can’t do much better than that. And with a clear conscience too.