Hey all, wanted to preface this as I was on TRT in 2022 following previous blood results showing low free T and high total T. I was on test cyp injection (125mg/week) and HCG 250iu EOD. I started losing hair so I got off. I ran clomid + HCG for a few months then stayed off everything for many months. In 2023 I had a highly stressful period of life (abnormally high). I lost a lot of weight towards November-december of last year. I wasn’'t lifting or dieting trying to lose weight. I went from 195 to 179 with no muscle. Since jan I have been back in the gym lifting heavy and I’ve gotten my BF levels to maybe 13% at a fairly lean build. I am 6’0 and 181lbs. I am dieting and getting about 0.8 * weight in protein from mostly meats/fish and some protein shakes. I also take lots of vitamins and I am an amateur boxer as well. Anyways, I had recent blood work done. I ran HMG and enclomiphene earlier this year to try to boost my test levels as I was having some ED. Anyways I don’t really want to be on TRT at the moment although I am not opposed to it eventually. But I just got a fairly extensive blood work panel done and am unsure on how to read it, maybe someone can help and can let me know. Would my only solution long term only be TRT? is there anything else I could maybe do? Also looking @ my TSH it maybe indicates hypothyroid, would Synthroid fix my test maybe if its a pituitary issue? I was told maybe I have a tumor on my pituitary maybe but I am gonna speak to an endocrine doc about this soon.
I will include the things that showed abnormal as well as hormonal results:
Creatinine:1.32 (probably creatine powder I am taking)
Alkaline phosphate:143
Free test:7.1 (low)
Total test:578
TSH:6.82 (high)
LH: 15.5 (high) * I ran some HCG a week or so before taking the test, would this influence my blood LH levels being this high?
ACTH plasma:3.5 (low)
Cortisol:4.9 (low)
How do I interpret these and is TRT the only option? Could I just do hcg/clomid? Any help appreciated!