'In a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama tells an audience of black ministers, including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, that the U.S. government shortchanged Hurricane Katrina victims because of racism.
“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”
The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event…’
Listen to his accent and the tone of the whole thing - Obama the chameleon playing rabble rouser:
I read the story last night, haven’t watched the video yet but my first reaction was:
“This just in Obama is a Democrat. The party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow. Of course he is on stage creating anger and bitterness along racial lines. Because if they didn’t keep bringing up racism, or flat out creating and mandating it in our lives, it might just go away. The democrats can’t let that happen.”
Basically what I’m getting at is, without watching the video, how does this tell us anything we didn’t already know?
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
I read the story last night, haven’t watched the video yet but my first reaction was:
“This just in Obama is a Democrat. The party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow. Of course he is on stage creating anger and bitterness along racial lines. Because if they didn’t keep bringing up racism, or flat out creating and mandating it in our lives, it might just go away. The democrats can’t let that happen.”
Basically what I’m getting at is, without watching the video, how does this tell us anything we didn’t already know?[/quote]
I’ve never seen Obama doing the black preacher thing and saying such nice things about Jesus. Gotta work on his gangster routine though.
Here’s a news flash for all of you, the video will not even be a bump in the road relative to the Presidential race. Had it been Mitt Romney attempting to race bait however he would have to drop out of the race.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Basically what I’m getting at is, without watching the video, how does this tell us anything we didn’t already know?[/quote]
It doesn’t, there were no secrets or exclusively to the video back in 2007 and parts aired on other news outlets. It is kind of sad this was the best they could come up with the day before the debate to try and make Obama somehow look bad.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Basically what I’m getting at is, without watching the video, how does this tell us anything we didn’t already know?[/quote]
It doesn’t, there were no secrets or exclusively to the video back in 2007 and parts aired on other news outlets. It is kind of sad this was the best they could come up with the day before the debate to try and make Obama somehow look bad.
The more I look around, the more I think this is a giant clever “fuck you” middle finger by Drudge.
While the video itself isn’t anything new, the reaction to the video by the press is the actual story. Here you have a video equally damning in the 2008 race as the 47% video today, and the press didn’t quite hammer it the way they have and continue with the 47% video. Couple that with everyone falling over themselves to call everyone else a racist, even before the release, and ta-da, there is the story.
I mean CNN and MSNBC are going out of their way to say this is a non story, and radio shows are going out of their way to ignore it as well…
This morning I agreed it was a dumb ass video and hyped up for stupid reasons. This afternoon I’m starting to think this Drudge guy is a lot smarter than people are giving him credit for. Because the reaction is the scoop. The NY Times had dick on the website on this this morning, not sure about now, and MSNBC also is ignoring it online, I mean completely ignoring it. That is pretty damning “lap dog” evidence IMO.
Aye. Those saying this is ‘old news, snippets from this video have been shown,’ did you just hear a whoosh over your head, simultaneously feeling a parting of your hair? Not all of it is old news. Especially the most controversial part of this speech. That being that George Bush and the federal Government actively ignored the misery of blacks after Katrina, simply for being black. That snippet wasn’t shown or reported on…And that is the story going over people’s heads. The media is the real story here.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Basically what I’m getting at is, without watching the video, how does this tell us anything we didn’t already know?[/quote]
It doesn’t, there were no secrets or exclusively to the video back in 2007 and parts aired on other news outlets. It is kind of sad this was the best they could come up with the day before the debate to try and make Obama somehow look bad.
And Obama/Biden keep blaming “W” for the current state of the economy…
Do people really have an issue with him using a “Black” accent? Don’t most people speak differently depending on who they are with? Hell, most people type differently to.
[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Do people really have an issue with him using a “Black” accent? Don’t most people speak differently depending on who they are with? Hell, most people type differently to.[/quote]
The problem is not with the accent. The problem is what he was saying.