"January 20 the Polish Defense Ministry announced that a U.S. Patriot missile battery, and the 100 American soldiers who will operate it, would not be based on the outskirts of the capital of Warsaw as previously announced but in the Baltic Sea city of Morag, 35 miles [6] from Polandâ??s border with Russia.
The missile battery and troops are scheduled to arrive in March or April. As part of the Obama administrationâ??s new missile shield project, one which will be integrated with NATO to take in all of Europe and extend into the Middle East and the Caucasus, the Patriots will be followed by Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) interceptor deployments on warships in the Baltic Sea and, for the first time ever, a land-based version of the same. â??The Pentagon will deploy command posts of SM-3 missiles, which can intercept both short- and mid-range missiles…â?? [7] An SM-3 was used by the Pentagon to shoot a satellite out of orbit in February of 2008 to give an indication of its range.
Further deployments will follow.
The new, post-George W. Bush administration, interceptor missile system will employ â??existing missile systems based on land and at sea… Deployment of the revised missile defense would extend through 2020. The first step is to put existing sea-based weapons systems on Aegis-class destroyers and cruisers. [8]"
LOL! He is doing just about the opposite of what the American people want. Tonight, he’ll try and convince us that he’s also really a fiscal conservative. OMG, ROFLMAO!!!