Obama - Black Man?

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
First round draft pick?

I put him in the person category.

actually…I’d put him in the “gayest” category…but interesting background he has.

Eh, why? Is he gay? I don’t even know who he is, heh.[/quote]

dude from Prison Break on FOX.

[quote]Sloth wrote:

Can’t control them? You beg for them! You make excuses for their continuation! I dare criticize setting apart “black” history, and bam! “I want my label!”

Had you walked into one of the stores I used to work at, you would have gotten the “white guy” treatment, I guess. Take your money, a thanks, and that’s that. As far as applications go, most I see these days have an ‘other’ option, or the option to simply leave it blank. And why do they ask in the first place? I’d venture to say because of diversity policies…

Yes, you are confused. I gave you the reason for Black History Month and you ignore it completely and act like we just want labels". If that is honestly as far as your mind can grasp the situation, then by all means, just let me know.

This has jack shit to do with someone walking into your store and expecting to be treated like everyone else. The issue was labels and unless you walk around and have never described someone by race, then you are one extremely hypocritical son of a bitch who can’t understand what is being typed at all.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
First round draft pick?

Is that who you really want?[/quote]

Nah…you can have him…I’ll take Paul Wall not

[quote]RageInspired wrote:
It would seem like black history month only promotes racism… Sorry Prof X but Sloth is pretty much on his game. Maybe you live in a shitty area but where I’m from there isn’t any different treatment of persons. The only exception is the occasional shithead that walks who intentionally acts like a dick and over complicates things for their own low level humor enjoyment.
Of coarse theres a race check box… quota’s…
And seriously Obama is a politician and is only using his black heritage to gain votes. The man’s family doesn’t even have any ties to slavery… which unfortunatly is all anybody cares to talk about. [/quote]

Wow. You sure did miss the point. When was this about treating people differently? This is about labeling people you don’t know based on appearance. Most of you do this all day long like most humans do. You don’t stop to ask the cab driver who looks black whether he is actually half asian. If you were to describe him to friends, you would call him like he appeared to you. Anyone crazy enough to lie about that needs to be hospitalized.

eh…I really shouldn’t wear red…makes me look burnt orange hook’em

[quote]RageInspired wrote:
It would seem like black history month only promotes racism… Sorry Prof X but Sloth is pretty much on his game. Maybe you live in a shitty area but where I’m from there isn’t any different treatment of persons. The only exception is the occasional shithead that walks who intentionally acts like a dick and over complicates things for their own low level humor enjoyment.
Of coarse theres a race check box… quota’s…
And seriously Obama is a politician and is only using his black heritage to gain votes. The man’s family doesn’t even have any ties to slavery… which unfortunatly is all anybody cares to talk about. [/quote]

I would say that “black” history promotes: “I am X, and you are Y.” “My history is X, your history is Y.” “Our culture is X, yours is Y.”

To me, Tubman, Parks, King, Carver, etc. are AMERICAN (i.e. my) historical figures. They and others can, and should be, covered within general history courses. Oddly, my schools did this, and still had a “black” history month.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
RageInspired wrote:
It would seem like black history month only promotes racism… Sorry Prof X but Sloth is pretty much on his game. Maybe you live in a shitty area but where I’m from there isn’t any different treatment of persons. The only exception is the occasional shithead that walks who intentionally acts like a dick and over complicates things for their own low level humor enjoyment.
Of coarse theres a race check box… quota’s…
And seriously Obama is a politician and is only using his black heritage to gain votes. The man’s family doesn’t even have any ties to slavery… which unfortunatly is all anybody cares to talk about.

I would say that “black” history promotes: “I am X, and you are Y.” “My history is X, your history is Y.” “Our culture is X, yours is Y.”

To me, Tubman, Parks, King, Carver, etc. are AMERICAN (i.e. my) historical figures. They and others can, and should be, covered within general history courses. Oddly, my schools did this, and still had a “black” history month.[/quote]

Oddly, most schools were notorious over the last 30 years for NOT giving credit to Black Americans in this country much at all, which is why Black History Month exists. Some of you seem extremely oblivious to the fact that this country has more going on outside of your own section of the state you live in.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
RageInspired wrote:
It would seem like black history month only promotes racism… Sorry Prof X but Sloth is pretty much on his game. Maybe you live in a shitty area but where I’m from there isn’t any different treatment of persons. The only exception is the occasional shithead that walks who intentionally acts like a dick and over complicates things for their own low level humor enjoyment.
Of coarse theres a race check box… quota’s…
And seriously Obama is a politician and is only using his black heritage to gain votes. The man’s family doesn’t even have any ties to slavery… which unfortunatly is all anybody cares to talk about.

I would say that “black” history promotes: “I am X, and you are Y.” “My history is X, your history is Y.” “Our culture is X, yours is Y.”

To me, Tubman, Parks, King, Carver, etc. are AMERICAN (i.e. my) historical figures. They and others can, and should be, covered within general history courses. Oddly, my schools did this, and still had a “black” history month.[/quote]

I would say that slavery,oppression,segregation,etc “promoted” black history and “I am X,you are Y.” If it didn’t,who would Rosa Parks,Tubman,etc. be?? They would be nobody. Black history helped establish an identity to those whose identity was meaningless to the majority.

BUT I agree…they should be covered. “Black” history is American history…period. “Oddly”,my schools did not do this.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
hypocritical son of a bitch who can’t understand what is being typed at all.[/quote]

And I’m seeing the exact opposite. Frankly, I think you’re a closet bigot. You’ve been quick to stereotype “white america” and defend others who do so. You self identify, but don’t want others to acknowledge it. You hate labels, but want to defend labeling.

Frankly, I think you have a chip on your shoulder, and are more hinderance to honest racial “discussion” and reconcillation in this country, than a help. And, I think all children, of all heritages, in this nation will be better off when your type of attitude disappears into the dust-bin of history. Good day, as I have nothing further to say to you.

Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons why things are in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist. And we all know what “breeded” all of this…it is in the “bloodstream” of this country…you can’t deny that.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist. [/quote]

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist.

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.[/quote]

Well…to each his own…but hey,I tried.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist.

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.

Well…to each his own…but hey,I tried.[/quote]

Yes, you did…and you did a good job, but none the less, I am being told that we are the ones who caused this situation. They will continue to act as if they DON’T call people by race simply by how they appear. They will act like they don’t consider someone “black” based on how they look.

The fact that they even try to act like this doesn’t happen shows where the problem is…in denial.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Professor X wrote:
hypocritical son of a bitch who can’t understand what is being typed at all.

And I’m seeing the exact opposite. Frankly, I think you’re a closet bigot. You’ve been quick to stereotype “white america” and defend others who do so. You self identify, but don’t want others to acknowledge it. You hate labels, but want to defend labeling.

Frankly, I think you have a chip on your shoulder, and are more hinderance to honest racial “discussion” and reconcillation in this country, than a help. And, I think all children, of all heritages, in this nation will be better off when your type of attitude disappears into the dust-bin of history. Good day, as I have nothing further to say to you.[/quote]

LOL. Yes, because any black man who speaks up as a black man is labeled “militant”. This thread, again, is ridiculous.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist.

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.

Well…to each his own…but hey,I tried.

Yes, you did…and you did a good job, but none the less, I am being told that we are the ones who caused this situation. They will continue to act as if they DON’T call people by race simply by how they appear. They will act like they don’t consider someone “black” based on how they look.

The fact that they even try to act like this doesn’t happen shows where the problem is…in denial.[/quote]

I dunno, could it not be that a lot of white Americans simply are not racist, so they can not imagine that other whites are?

How would they, even accidentally, encounter racism?

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
btm62 wrote:
Because its a political asset. Frankly, I could care less also about what color he wants to be, I’m judging him on his merits. I think he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing myself. I think he’s 10 times more evil than Hilary, and that’s saying something. All just my opinion.

10 times more evil than Hilary eh? I like that.

You worry some terrorists will attack when he’s kicking back and clearing brush?

You worry he’ll invade foreign countries under false pretences and overstretch the US army?

You worry he’ll alienate just about any friend the US has in the world?

I’m just wondering what your frame of reference is when you judge politicians.[/quote]

If it helps you to sleep at night I consider them all worthless evil bastards.

Kind of like Belgians.

[quote]orion wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist.

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.

Well…to each his own…but hey,I tried.

Yes, you did…and you did a good job, but none the less, I am being told that we are the ones who caused this situation. They will continue to act as if they DON’T call people by race simply by how they appear. They will act like they don’t consider someone “black” based on how they look.

The fact that they even try to act like this doesn’t happen shows where the problem is…in denial.

I dunno, could it not be that a lot of white Americans simply are not racist, so they can not imagine that other whites are?

How would they, even accidentally, encounter racism?[/quote]

We aren’t talking about “racism”. We are talking about how someone describes someone of another race strictly by appearance. WHO was EVER talking about racism?

Is this topic so difficult for some of you that you can’t even discuss racial issues without assuming someone is discussing racism itself?

[quote]Sloth wrote:
To me, Tubman, Parks, King, Carver, etc. are AMERICAN (i.e. my) historical figures. They and others can, and should be, covered within general history courses. Oddly, my schools did this, and still had a “black” history month.[/quote]

Why leave it there? Celine Dion isn’t quebecoise, she is Canadian. No, she’s not Canadian, she’s human. No, she isn’t human, she’s a simian. No, she isn’t a simian. She’s a mammal. No, she’s not a mammal, she’s an animal. No, she’s not an animal, she’s actually just a collection of atoms. Hey, Celine Dion is no different than me, has no particular history that makes her special, since, just like me, she’s a collection of atoms.

What is this nominalism?!!!

It occurs to me that this “we are all americans” is just a convenient form of amnesia about racism. That’s one extreme. Though, I do agree that a member of a given a given group can over-identify. That’s possible and certainly does happen.

Prof X brought up black history month. It was interesting to see how he described why it existed.

My personal opinion is that it is a crock of shit from the standpoint that no one else gets a month. Why does history always have to be taught as some kind of self-esteem therapy? Why do we have to stand it up as a race thing. Doesn’t GW Carver’s work stand on its own merits for instance. I believe that most every item that is put forward during black history month can be put forward at any time of the year on its own merit without propping it up as a race issue. Enough already.

Sorry ProfX thats how I see it.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
orion wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Ok,forgive me for speaking for you Prof.X,but…I think X’s frustration is that he does not understand as to why people do not get the obvious reasons as to the views in this country regarding black culture,black history,political views,etc.

Its obvious why “I am X you are Y exist.” He feels that people are intentionally denying why these things exist.

And I’m saying it’s people, such as himself, the ensure it will be so for eternity. Do not scold people for labeling, than adopt those labels when it strikes your fancy. You want to breed resentment? Practice the generalizing of “white america,” and the double standards that he and others practice. And, now, I’m not only done with him, but also this thread. Once again, the “racial discussion” becomes a “shut up and listen” session. Hope you work it out.

Well…to each his own…but hey,I tried.

Yes, you did…and you did a good job, but none the less, I am being told that we are the ones who caused this situation. They will continue to act as if they DON’T call people by race simply by how they appear. They will act like they don’t consider someone “black” based on how they look.

The fact that they even try to act like this doesn’t happen shows where the problem is…in denial.

I dunno, could it not be that a lot of white Americans simply are not racist, so they can not imagine that other whites are?

How would they, even accidentally, encounter racism?

We aren’t talking about “racism”. We are talking about how someone describes someone of another race strictly by appearance. WHO was EVER talking about racism?

Is this topic so difficult for some of you that you can’t even discuss racial issues without assuming someone is discussing racism itself?[/quote]

Well, I guess you are right on that one technically, but may I invite you to follow me a little bit further.

If you asked me if there are antisemites in Austria I´d tell you yes.

If you asked me if racism is a problem in Austria I would not know.

There are not enough black people to make that an issue.

I simply do not know any people who would have confessed to me any racial prejudices. But how would I know or how would I ever find out if they had any?

Cross examining everyone is hardly an option.